
A redditor named u/stanley_tweed posted this request to identify a certain song. I happen to know the song, so I decided it would be nice to make a Riley Riddle out of it.

According to his post:

  • the song is an action-y upbeat orchestral instrumental from a musical (I'd say this statement is r/technicallythetruth)

  • (redacted useless information)

  • he thinks it's from a musical but suggests may be from a movie or something (it is a "musical", but not the Broadway-level you expect)

  • he claims he doesn't know why or how he got this on his drive (The metadata of the audio file suggests a recent date, but as far as I know, the song is more than a decade old)

Here is the link to the audio file; now on to this Riley Riddle referring to the title of the song:

'The' is the first and 'of' is the fourth
Second and penultimate is the stem thereof
The third is a grisly confrontation of the last
The entirety is a legendary battle of gods past

What is the title of the song?

Meta: Assuming you know the song in the first place, it is 60%-80% possible to solve this puzzle by listening to the audio file alone, and 50%-70% by solving the Riley Riddle alone. If you don't know the song in the first place, then it is only 40%-60% by solving the Riley Riddle alone, and 20%-40% by listening to the audio file alone.

Clue (NSFW warning) [The answer doesn't have NSFW content, but something related does]:

There exists a parody whose title can be solved by the following Riley Riddle:

The first two and fourth are still the same,
But the middle one is filled with all that came
Making love, not war, the name of the game -
Only the last comes to mind when swinging all the same


2 Answers 2


As weird as this particular version of the song might be (in particular, the chorus), it's got to be:

'The' is the first and 'of' is the fourth

Placement of the words, straightforwardly.

Second and penultimate is the stem thereof

They're both "ultimate" - which is the stem of "penultimate".

The third is a grisly confrontation of the last

"showdown" (grisly confrontation) of "destiny"

The entirety is a legendary battle of gods past

it's The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny!

  • $\begingroup$ Good guys, bad guys, and explosions as far as the eye can see $\endgroup$
    – lomer
    Commented Oct 26, 2020 at 21:32

Braegh already posted the answer, but I want to add some details:

  • the song is an action-y upbeat orchestral instrumental

The song is a cover of the original pop/rock song by Lemon Demon, an indie solo/band

  • he thinks it's from a musical

The music video, at least, is a musical according to one definition in Merriam-Webster. It's got:

  • a film

  • a sentimental or humorous nature

  • musical numbers and dialogue

  • a unifying plot

  • suggests may be from a movie or something

Videos and animation embedded in Adobe Flash were called [Flash] movies

And for the final clue (NSFW warning):

It is "The Ultimate Orgy of Homosexuality"


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