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  • Member for 5 years, 1 month
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Spoiler blocks do not function in inbox notification
I think working spoilers in the inbox is a reasonable request. I don't think encouraging users not to use them in the first x number of characters is viable or good for answer quality, as it will lead to pointless waffle at the top of an answer just to fill space.
Idea for a Puzzle Challenge Theme
Yeah, so what happened with the last one is that we turned off the bot for the Advent Calendar in December and it just never got turned back on again. We often end up with cyclical on-and-offs like this though, so nothing to say we can't get it started again some time. I'd suggest posting it as an answer on the meta post linked in bobble's comment above. If we start up some activity on that post again, it may spark further interest and ultimately catalyse things going once more...
What mistake did I make?
@qwr Thanks for engaging with me here. That's fine - I shall remove my response also. Having seen your recent meta post I can appreciate that it was born out of frustration with an issue on another question - I hope you can get some clarity there.
Best puzzles of 2024 Q1 (January - March)?
@SunnyLu They do indeed, but unfortunately that typo isn't one we can fix ourselves so it has endured for many years now...!
Making the [connections-puzzle] tag more relevant?
Thanks @CrSb0001 - I would say not, because the knowledge tag is intended for "A puzzle whose solution relies on external sources such as tables, dictionaries, Wikipedia, or specifics that may not be common knowledge." The first of my two examples here just revolves around hidden numbers, which definitely falls within the 'common knowledge' category. I say only use it when needed rather than blanket for all.
Making the [connections-puzzle] tag more relevant?
@Quuxplusone The NYT's Connections puzzle is very much a newcomer to the scene. Their puzzle is identical in format (to all intents and purposes) to the connecting wall on the BBC's Only Connect, which has been around since 2008 and which spawned the "connect-wall" tag here. "Connections" as a word is a very good fit for a 'what is the connection' type puzzle - it's just unfortunate for this tag that the NYT chose that name for their puzzle :) The tag details will make it clear either way, but we can look at synonymising it too if it becomes an issue. (Thanks for mentioning it...)
Making the [connections-puzzle] tag more relevant?
@bobble Nah, just the description. I think 'connections-puzzle' works fine right now, but we can always think about it later if people are keen to...
Making the [connections-puzzle] tag more relevant?
Thanks @Randal'Thor - I wondered if it might have been one of those tags set up when the site was young to cater for some perceived use cases, but which over time has actually been found more relevant to a broader set of puzzles... Unless any serious objections appear, I'll get this sorted this week :)
Puzzling Advent Calendar - 2023
Added next door link
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