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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

You need help with the use of one or more of the site's features.
62 questions
Tags are used to classify questions into different groups. The "tags" tag should be applied to any meta question asking about tags.
52 questions
The scope of the main site: what questions are on-topic and what is off-topic
45 questions
should be applied to Meta questions asking about Questions on the main site, or on the meta site.
33 questions
Questions about how to promote the site and gain more visitors, questions, answers and users.
30 questions
30 questions
21 questions
17 questions
17 questions
15 questions
Questions about adding references and citations to posts
13 questions
12 questions
12 questions
11 questions
11 questions
11 questions
10 questions
Questions related to the name of the main site (currently it is named "Cognitive Sciences")
10 questions
9 questions
9 questions
8 questions
8 questions
Unanswered questions are those questions which have no up-voted or accepted answers.
7 questions
7 questions
6 questions
Questions related to migration, i.e. migrating off-topic questions from Psychology & Neuroscience Stack Exchange to another Stack Exchange site, or from elsewhere to this site.
6 questions
6 questions
6 questions
6 questions
5 questions
5 questions
5 questions