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Questions tagged [resources]

For questions seeking recommendations for online or offline resources about proof assistants

13 votes
1 answer

Learning materials for doing analysis (calculus) in a mechanized way

Can we collect (or maybe even write) tutorials and guides on doing analysis in various Proof Assistants? Community wiki style? I was reading Lawrence Paulson's blog (highly recommend!) the other week ...
Alex Chichigin's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

What are some useful resources for a mathematician interested in learning Isabelle/HOL?

What are some useful and reliable resources for a mathematician interested in learning Isabelle/HOL? Could be online (websites) or physical (books).
taylor.2317's user avatar
  • 1,338
21 votes
9 answers

What are good books for learning about proof assistants for Functional Analysis?

I did search on the site already and while there are questions that reference, for example, PLFA for Agda, there doesn't seem to be a canonical list of references for people just learning about proof ...
postmortes's user avatar