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Questions tagged [cubical-type-theory]

Cubical type theory is a version of homotopy type theory in which univalence is not just an axiom but a theorem, hence, since this is constructive, has “computational content”. Cubical type theory models the infinity-groupoid-structure implied by Martin-Löf identity types on constructive cubical sets, whence the name.

6 votes
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What are "empty compositions", and why are they bad?

Empty hcomps and empty systems are often mentioned in the context of cubical type theory, in particular related to the efficiency of evaluation, for example here and here. What exactly are they, and ...
Trebor's user avatar
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Parametricity and data kinds

I am wondering about the MonoMaybe type family from the monad-validation Haskell library written by Alexis King. Its definition ...
Naïm Favier's user avatar
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Implementation of cubical type theory as described in this paper?

Syntax and Models of Cartesian Cubical Type Theory I'd like to understand this paper enough to know how to implement cubical type theory. However I'm confused about how cofibrations should be ...
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Designing a proof assistant around Cubical

As far as I know, Agda is currently the only "widely popular" theorem prover to have somewhat good HoTT support via it's CubicalTT mode. Now, I understand what has slowed down the addition ...
blueberry's user avatar
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Is the de Morgan interval Kan?

I often read that the interval in cubical type theory does not have the structure of a Kan cubical set (i.e. is not fibrant), which justifies calling it a "pre-type" or "exo-type", ...
Naïm Favier's user avatar
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Naive computation of propositional resizing

As far as I know, it is not known whether cubical type theories with propositional resizing admit computational interpretations. But here is an obvious attempt: Turn off universe checking locally, and ...
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What is the intuition behind the `Glue` type in Cubical Type Theories

I have some clues regarding Glue based on a paper here and the accepted answer here. The first resource says that Glue "...
Russoul's user avatar
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Cartesian cubical interval with reversal?

Background: cartesian cubical type theory (supports i = j as restriction, where i and j are ...
ice1000's user avatar
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Termination and confluence -- which goes first?

I'm implementing a version of cubical type theory where the well-definedness of pattern matching functions is implied by: the well-typedness of the clauses (type check) the coverage of the patterns (...
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Core language representation of path application with extension types

Suppose I have a concat function with a signature using extension types: ...
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Can we bring unification results under cofibrations outside?

Say we have an elaborator which supports metavariables and solve them on flex-rigid cases (with the obvious occurrence checking and scope checking). If we do such unification under a cofibration, do ...
ice1000's user avatar
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Does cubical canonicity imply closed version of regularity?

Clarification of my terminologies: Cubical canonicity: a generalized version of canonicity that the "generated by introduction rules" property holds in, not just closed context, but also ...
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How does conversion check on partial elements/systems (in terms of cubical) work?

In cubical, hcomp is sometimes normal form, and to conversion check two normal hcomp terms, we need to compare the partial ...
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How does substitution on partial elements/systems (in terms of cubical) work?

Let h = hcomp (λ j → λ { (i = i1) → x }) u, using Cubical Agda syntax. The equivalent cubicaltt syntax is ...
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In (CHM/CCHM) cubical type theory, how to conversion-check face formulae?

In my impression (also according to Amelia in her discord server), some non-syntactically equal face formulae should be definitionally-equal (denoted $\equiv$): $(a = 1 \land b = 1) \equiv (b = 1 \...
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