
I want to define a function out of an indexed higher inductive type, and am running into some problems.

Here is a somewhat contrived minimal example of what I'm doing:

{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
  using(_≡_ ; Type)
open import Data.Bool
  using(Bool ; true ; false ; if_then_else_)

data Test : Type₀ where
  point : Test
  loop : Bool → point ≡ point

foo : Test → Bool
foo point = true
foo (loop x i) = if x then true else true

Clearly foo is just a very roundabout way of writing const true, but Agda protests saying:

true != if x then true else true of type Bool
when checking the definition of foo

Is there a way to write a function like this, in which the result depends on x?

Alternatively, is there a reason it should not be possible?


2 Answers 2


When you do pattern matching on a higher inductive type, the cases for the higher constructors must be judgmentally equal to the cases for their faces. if x then true else true is not judgmentally equal to true, because it is stuck on x.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ That makes sense, thanks! Is there a principled way to get around this if I have a proof that if x then true else true is always equal to true? (sadly rewriting does not work with cubical equality yet) $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 2, 2022 at 9:50
  • $\begingroup$ It depends what exactly you mean. You can use the proof to build p : true ≡ true, and then use p i. But the p you build will probably be essentially q ∙ sym q where q is your proof, so that p is not really different from refl (they will be provably equal, but not judgmentally equal, I think). I get the feeling your example might be simplifying out some details that make your real goals less trivial, though. So maybe this sort of thing is what you want. $\endgroup$
    – Dan Doel
    Commented Mar 2, 2022 at 16:25
  • $\begingroup$ I actually managed to unwind my real goal far enough to provide judgemental equality. I was doing a string comparison and needed to use with str1 ≟ str2 which made the types quite hairy, but it worked out. Looking for judgemental equality set me on the right path, so I will accept this answer :) $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 2, 2022 at 17:01

Is there a way to write a function like this, in which the result depends on x?

foo : Test → Bool
foo point = true
foo (loop false i) = true
foo (loop true i) = true

The logic is equivalent to your original code but is written in a different way.

Alternatively, is there a reason it should not be possible?

The term if x then true else true is a normal form, and it does not reduce to true. In your case in particular, you can simplify your logic in this way:

foo : Test → Bool
foo point = true
foo (loop x i) = true

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