
Is there a way to use HOAS style with linear types?

I'm also interested in affine types or other substructural systems.

I vaguely recall there has been some work for embedded DSLs for Haskell but I'm not sure if it would work just as fine for theorem proving.

I have a hunch you could do something like

Record Iso A B := {
  to: A -> B ;
  from: B -> A ;
  to_from x: to (from x) = x ;
  from_to x: from (to x) = x ;
Class Linear (T: Set) := {
  lam: Iso T T -> T ;
  app: T -> T -> T ;

But it seems a bit awkward to use in practice. I think that's probably the major problem with this kind of approach. Any encoding is going to be pretty heavy weight and not necessarily better than just using a typing context.


1 Answer 1


Yes. The basic idea is to give a HOAS encoding, and then define an auxiliary judgement which checks that variables are used linearly inside a term. Then your typing judgement has additional premises which check whether the term is being used linearly.

The Twelf wiki shows how to do it here.

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you . For some reason your link is broken but I was able to search up the page anyway. I played a bit with this sort of approach but it's a bit clumsy in Coq. gist.github.com/mstewartgallus/052eabf8044e23ecfb678bf92931d9d8 $\endgroup$ Commented May 20, 2022 at 22:32
  • $\begingroup$ I'd guess the problem with the link is that twelf.org does not support https: (only http:). $\endgroup$
    – hardmath
    Commented May 22, 2022 at 13:56

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