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Questions tagged [support]

Questions for when you need help with the use of one or more of the site's features.

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Late Answers: How Late is Late?

In the help center, it says: The Late answers queue contains answers that were posted by new users much later than when the question was asked. What timespan is "much later"?
taylor.2317's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

User Abusing the System for Homework Problem?

I witness a user, called "learner123", posting similar questions on Stackoverflow and ProofAssistants Stackexchange, then suddenly all his questions are "voluntarily removed". See: ...
zacque's user avatar
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Where do we define and keep track of the scope of the site

I recently voted to close What is known about minimal sets of axioms?, because I think it would be better suited for (say) maths.SE. The close vote options are: This question does not appear to be ...
Couchy's user avatar
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5 votes
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Can I forward questions here from other SE sites?

Questions relevant to proof assistants often get asked on other StackExchange sites. For example, the last such question I read was this. Can I import those questions to PA, both to establish whether ...
James Wood's user avatar
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Why should I accept answers?

Why should you accept answers on questions? Why does this help when searching for questions?
taylor.2317's user avatar
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-3 votes
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How should I format a question correctly?

Please use this answer to this question to find guidance on how to post a really good question! Please note: This is just guidance, not a rulebook.
taylor.2317's user avatar
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What are my current privileges?

For many seasoned StackExchange users we have enough rep that we no longer check our privileges and over the years have forgotten how, count me in. As this moves from private beta to public beta and ...
Guy Coder's user avatar
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Why is this site not showing up in "More stack exchange communities"?

When I click on the little Stack Exchange icon in the upper-right corner of the viewport, it shows a list of "Your communities" and "More Stack Exchange communities". Why does this ...
End Antisemitic Hate's user avatar
12 votes
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Ways to participate

It looks like the site has gotten off to good start, with a lot of interesting questions and answers! I just want to remind people of some of the other ways to participate that will help the site to ...
Tyberius's user avatar
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Badges not being received

I should've received these badges, but haven't. Is this because the system is overloaded as it is has just started? Scholar Student Teacher Autobiographer Mortarboard Precognitive Custodian Editor ...
taylor.2317's user avatar
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Why is Glorfindel's reputation showing up as only 101 while other people's reputation is much higher?

The screenshot below indicates shows the rep of three different users (myself, taylor.2317, Glorfindel). The reputation for myself and taylor.2317 is accurate, but the reputation for Glorfindel seems ...
Nike Dattani's user avatar
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8 votes
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Administrators and Permissions

Are there administrators? If so, who are they? If not, how will they be elected? Will the permissions and roles be updated? UPDATES: 15th March 2022 - Leaving Private Beta & Initial Pro-Tem ...
taylor.2317's user avatar
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