The National Preparedness System diagram. Encircling the diagram is "Whole Community", "National Incident Management System (NIMS)", "Core Capabilities"Identifying & Assessing Risk Estimating Capability Requirements Building & Sustaining Capabilities Planning to Deliver Capabilities Validating Capabilities Reviewing & Updating


Every community should understand the risks it faces. Developing and maintaining an understanding of the variety of risks faced by communities and the Nation, and how this information can be used to build and sustain preparedness, are essential components of the National Preparedness System. By understanding its risks, a community can make smart decisions about how to manage risk, including developing needed capabilities.


Preparedness Cycle Diagram - Exercise to Evaluate/Improve to Plan to Organize/Equip to Train


Links to the Preparedness Cycle:

Plan: Identifying and assessing risk is integral to both strategic and operational planning. The results of a Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) and Stakeholder Preparedness Review (SPR) and any other risk assessment should be used as a key input in an organization’s planning process.

Strategic and operational planning establishes priorities, identifies expected levels of performance and capability requirements, provides the standard for assessing capabilities, and helps stakeholders learn their roles. All plans need to be risk-informed.

Critical Linkages

  • It is important to understand and recognize the natural progression from Identifying and Assessing Risk into the next area of the NPS, Estimating Capability Requirements. CPG 201 addresses this progression by providing guidance on how to estimate resource requirements.

  • Core Capabilities – The National Preparedness Goal identifies 32 core capabilities across the five Mission Areas. Core Capabilities are distinct critical elements needed to achieve the goal and execute each Mission Area. Communities use the core capabilities to organize and establish their capability targets in the THIRA/SPR process.  

Core Capabilities Mapped to Mission Areas
CORE CAPABILITIES Prevention Protection Mitigation Response Recovery
Public Information and Warning
Operational Coordination
Intelligence and Information Sharing
Interdiction and Disruption
Screening, Search, and Detection
Forensics and Attribution
Access Control and Identity Verification
Physical Protective Measures
Risk Management for Protection Programs and Activities
Supply Chain Integrity and Security
Community Resilience
Long-Term Vulnerability Reduction
Risk and Disaster Resilience Assessment
Threats and Hazards Identification
Critical Transportation
Environmental Response/Health and Safety
Fatality Management Services
Fire Management and Suppression
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Mass Care Services
Mass Search and Rescue Operations
On-scene Security, Protection, and Law Enforcement
Operational Communications
Public Health, Healthcare, and Emergency Medical Services
Situational Assessment
Infrastructure Systems
Economic Recovery
Health and Social Services
Natural and Cultural Resources