Intelligent Mail® Package Barcode (IMpb)

The Intelligent Mail Package Barcode (IMpb) provides the best commercial prices with the largest discount available, piece-level tracking information at no additional charge for most products, and access to new products, services, and enhanced features. The addition of two (2) supplemental IMmb’s to the existing IMpb on a USPS shipping label results in enhanced package visibility with less mail rework.


With the Intelligent Mail Package Barcode, you'll get the best commercial prices with the largest discount available, piece-level tracking information at no additional charge for most products, and access to new products, services, and enhanced features.

There are three key IMpb requirements customers must meet to ensure they receive the best experience and value when they ship packages with the Postal Service. Each package must:

  1. Bear a unique IMpb barcode.
  2. Be accompanied by a version 1.6 (or higher) electronic Shipping Services File record populated with required details about the package.
  3. Include the correct destination delivery address and/or 11-digit Delivery Point Validated ZIP Code™ for each record in the Shipping Services File.

The IMpb includes the routing information in the barcode which allows the Postal Service to use automated equipment to sort and track packages as they travel through our network to the post offices that will make final delivery at the respective destinations. The electronic information and intelligent barcode allows the Postal Service to project workload and resources before and during the packages’ journey through our network.

In addition, the address and/or 11-digit DPV® ZIP Code data supports operational efficiencies by providing critical information needed to sort packages to delivery routes dynamically, leveraging technology instead of relying on complex distribution schemes memorized by employees.

The data rich, digital trail created through the distribution process provides tracking visibility that improves the customer experience – customers know where their packages are and when they’ll arrive – and fuels business intelligence to provide world class service and help your business grow.

In order to get Commercial Base Pricing (CBP) rates, commercial packages must have an IMpb barcode, and meet all other IMpb requirements, including transmitting an electronic Shipping Services File that includes the required address information. To be IMpb “compliant” and get the best pricing, you must use an IMpb-compliant software program

You have two options to meet the new IMpb and data submission requirements:

  1. Electronically submit a Shipping Services File with manifest, tracking, and postage information in one file (through the Electronic Verification System - eVS®). Submission is one file which includes the Shipping Services File (with destination delivery address or ZIP + 4 and Destination Delivery Point Code information) and postage information. Payment for postage is deducted from a centralized electronic postage payment account (a Centralized Account Processing System – CAPS account).
  2. Electronically submit a Shipping Services File with manifest and tracking information, plus a separate Postage Statement (this option is referred to as a Manifest Mailing Solution). Payment for postage is made through a local payment / trust account or a CAPS account.
    •  Submission requires two components:
      • Shipping and tracking information within the electronic Shipping Services File
      • A hardcopy Postage Statement brought to the Business Mail Entry Unit (BMEU) or an electronic Postage Statement submitted through the Postal Wizard®

IMpb certification is available for providers supporting the Tracking Only version of the Shipping Service Files as well as those offering a certified manifesting solution for eVS.

Featured Resources

Technical Specifications
Intelligent Mail Matrix Barcode (IMmb) Technical Specifications

Shipping labels on irregularly-shaped packages, softpacks, and polybags can easily become distorted or creased during automated parcel processing making reading the traditional, linear IMpb barcode challenging to scan.  USPS has developed the IMmb to help overcome these challenges and improve package visibility.  IMmb barcodes contain the same data as is in the IMpb barcode; however, they use a more robust, space-efficient robust barcode symbology for encodation.  The smaller barcode footprint allows two IMmb barcodes to be added within unused areas of existing standard shipping labels.  The result is redundancy of the barcode data giving sorters two additional chances to read the barcode. 

Fact Sheets
IMpb Fact Sheet

This document is an overview of the IMpb verification process.

Tech Guides
Intelligent Mail® Package Barcode (IMpb) Specification

This document provides specifications for generating and printing the US Postal Service (USPS) Intelligent Mail® Package Barcode (IM™ Package Barcode). Additionally, this specification governs the production of “Extra Service” barcodes such as Certified, Insurance, Delivery Confirmation, Signature Confirmation, etc.

Program Requirements
Data Files
Updated List: Service Type Codes for Intelligent Mail® Package Barcode (IMpb)

This document provides the updated service type codes for  Intelligent Mail® Package Barcodes.

Quick Service Guides
Quick Guide to Intelligent Mail Package Barcode (IMpb) Vendor Certification

This document outlines how to obtain  Intelligent Mail® Package Barcode (IMpb) Vendor Certification.

Data Transfer Service Materials

Applications/ Forms
Data Transfer Service (DTS) Requirements Document

This document contains information about Shipping Services Files (SSF) and Secure File Transmission Account Setup.

USPS® Provisioning Services Partner Guide

Provisioning Services provides your company an AS2 interface with USPS®. This presentation shows you how to set it up.

USPS® Provisioning Services Partner FAQ Guide

This document provides frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers about AS2 interface.

Fact Sheets
USPS® DTS Comm Options: PTS Matrix

This document provides information about the USPS® Data Transfer Services - Secure Protocol Options.

USPS® Provisioning Services Partner Prerequisites Guide

Provisioning Services provides your company an AS2 interface with USPS®. This guide describes the prerequisites needed before the installation and setup can be completed.

Quick Service Guides
Parcel Data Exchange (PDX) API Customer Guide

This document provides a customer reference guide for Parcel Data Exchange (PDX) Web Application API.

Quick Service Guides
Parcel Data Exchange (PDX) Web Application User Guide

The Parcel Data Exchange (PDX) is accessed via the web and Application Programming Interface (API) to allow customers to send manifest files and receive outbound files from the United States Postal Service® (USPS®). This document provides the information necessary to begin using the web-based portion of the PDX application using a web browser.

Related Products

Electronic Verification System (eVS®)

The Electronic Verification System (eVS®) enables parcel mailers to submit documentation and pay postage by transmitting electronic manifest files to the eVS database.


The DPV® Product identifies whether a ZIP + 4® coded address is currently represented in the USPS® delivery file as a known address record. It also allows users to confirm known USPS addresses, as well as, identify potential addressing issues that may hinder delivery.

Intelligent Mail® Package Barcode (IMpb) ACS™

IMpb ACS allows parcel mailers who print the Intelligent Mail package barcode to receive an electronic address correction using that barcode.


For more information about IMpb, contact Addressing and Geospatial Technology at 1-877-264-9693 option 1, or email