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Burt_Harris's user avatar
Burt_Harris's user avatar
Burt_Harris's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • near Redmond Washington
70 votes

Isn't acknowledging the existence of God, as a state, a contradiction of the separation of Church and State?

49 votes

Has anyone attempted to scientifically determine whether MSNBC or Fox News is more biased?

48 votes

Is the Republican party obligated to renominate Trump for Presidency in 2020?

26 votes

Is the senate trial legal or political?

19 votes

How did the Kavanaugh confirmation move so quickly despite the serious allegations?

14 votes

What key element is missing which would qualify Trump's behavior for impeachment?

12 votes

What's the process through which classified documents are made public, and can some classified documents be destroyed or never made public?

10 votes

Why is COVID-19 prompting such wide scale action versus other infectious diseases?

10 votes

What are the responses to the police assaulting journalists during the 2020 protests in the US?

10 votes

Deferential attitude at congressional hearings

10 votes

Is Trump an isolationist?

9 votes

How did Alan Dershowitz end up on Trumps' legal team?

9 votes

How much of Trump's border wall has been completed so far?

9 votes

What was the point of Trump trying to get dirt on Hunter Biden's dealings with Ukraine?

8 votes

Why are some precincts so slow to report after an election?

8 votes

What is the political/legal distinction between a "state" and a "commonwealth" in the United States?

8 votes

Why do laws restrict voting rights for felons long after their sentence is served?

8 votes

Has and could Trump's anti-vaxxer views affect US government policy?

7 votes

Can land on another planet be acquired by a person or country, and if so how?

7 votes

Why are CBP and other organizations within DHS allowed to arrest protestors?

6 votes

Is there any legal consequence in infringing a U.N. resolution?

6 votes

If a US supreme court nominee is selected by political opportunism, does the nominee ignoring that demonstrate insufficient ethics for the job?

6 votes

Can the US President override rules issued by the FDA?

6 votes

Name for phenomenon in which attempting to solve a problem locally can seemingly fail because they absorb the problem from elsewhere?

6 votes

Why do Special Counsels (and other similar offices) exist if investigations can be conducted by other clearer means?

6 votes

30+ years ago, why was there often a huge split between the presidential and house elections but not anymore?

6 votes

In the international law, is there any law or a principle regulating treaties signed with a state that later broke up?

6 votes

Why is the City of London governed by a corporation?

5 votes

Best metric for comparing poll queue times?

5 votes

How many treaties ratified by Congress did the US exit unilaterally?

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