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Donald Trump served as the 45th president of the United States of America from 2017 to 2021. Use for questions specific to Donald Trump or his policies. Use with the United States tag.

3 votes

Could Trump run as a Republican AND Democrat in 2020?

A major problem with this is the assumption that Trump would not face any challenges from other Republicans. While Trump won the 2016 nomination, he did so not having won a majority of primary votes ( …
Machavity's user avatar
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23 votes

What reasons may Donald Trump have had for firing FBI Director James Comey?

The official reasoning can be found inside the letters sent to President Trump. The most detailed, and notable, reasons come from Rod Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney General. I'm going to summarize Rosens …
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7 votes

Why did Trump suddenly flip on the gun issue?

As multiple Conservative commentators have noted, Trump never really changed his position on guns, he just wasn't as vocal about it as Hillary Clinton was. I mean, the man had stated, multiple times p …
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7 votes

Did Donald Trump break any laws by asking James Comey to end the Michael Flynn investigation?

Probably not. It's important to remember that while Flynn might have been a part of the Russia probe in general, the Russia probe is what's called a counterintelligence investigation. The FBI has …
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9 votes

Can Florida ban Trump from visiting?

Generally speaking, no. In order to do that you would have to Charge him with a crime Give him due process to refute the charges Have a legal authority (i.e. judge) find him guilty of said crimes an …
Machavity's user avatar
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9 votes

Does Donald Trump have any official standing in the Republican Party right now (Nov 2022)?

Is he the current “leader” and can he take any official actions against those he sees as to blame for this apparent failing? US political parties don't necessarily work like that. You affiliate with …
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5 votes

Why can't Donald Trump revoke birthright citizenship?

I found the argument put forth here to be quite compelling Again, there are reports that the president may issue such an order. The problem as I see it is twofold. First, the legal landscape is not l …
Machavity's user avatar
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3 votes

What would have been the aim of Theresa May refusing to join the strike on Syria?

The UK has a more precarious position with Russia than the US does. Remember, Europe in general imports a LOT of Russian energy Russia's gas exports to Europe rose 8.1 per cent last year to a record …
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2 votes

Is Donald Trump under investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller?

Trump's tweets often describe the world as he understands them, not as they are. The list of factually incorrect tweets is long, and growing The "Trump investigation" rhetoric often gets in the way o …
Machavity's user avatar
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26 votes

Why did the presidents of US and Romania contradict each other about the Visa Waiver Program?

There's a couple of things at play here Donald Trump shoots from the hip (meaning he doesn't consider the political ramifications before he speaks). Seriously. I could speculate all day about why he …
Machavity's user avatar
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9 votes

Is the timing of the US-North-Korea summit in Vietnam and Michael Cohen's testimony in Congr...

It's highly unlikely it was anything but a coincidence. While they both happened on the same day, it's important to remember that neither event can simply be executed on short notice. Consider Congres …
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11 votes

Why is Trump promoting hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19?

What is HCQ? Let's back up and consider the history of hydroxychloroquine(HCQ). It's primarily a drug used in treating Malaria. The best description I've heard of how it works is this Chloroquine and …
Machavity's user avatar
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13 votes

Does the DOJ's declining to investigate the Trump-Zelensky call ruin the basis for impeachment?

Not Really Remember, impeachment is a political process. The House could impeach for any reason it wants (it does NOT have to be for illegal activity). The catch for the House is that they have to sta …
Machavity's user avatar
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8 votes

Why "must" Roy Moore step aside if abuse allegations are true?

Understand that these allegations are potentially more damaging to Moore. Moore has a decent political following in Alabama, following his two "religious" actions that got him removed from the Chief J …
Machavity's user avatar
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6 votes

Is Le Pen ideologically a French equivalent of Trump?

There's some significant difference between Trump and Le Pen, due in no small part to the major differences between France and the US France, like a lot of Europe, is dealing with immigrant problems …
Machavity's user avatar
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