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Questions tagged [marine-le-pen]

Marine Le Pen is the leader of the French Rassemblement national (previously Front national) party.

9 votes
3 answers

Le Pen's gesture as immigration bill passed

This might be more a question of political discourse than of politics proper. Recently, French passed legislation toughening France's immigration policy. Emmanuel Macron's centrist Renaissance party ...
Quora Feans's user avatar
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"Not a France.. having exited Europe.." Is Macron just mud-slinging or is there real reason to believe that a president Le Pen could lead to a Frexit?

CNN's Results are in for first round in French Presidential election shows a snippet of current French president Emmanuel Macron's recent speech. The English translation provided in audio is widely ...
uhoh's user avatar
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6 answers

How could Le Pen be seeking Mélenchon votes?

I read that Le Pen is courting Mélenchon (the 3rd place finisher) voters for the upcoming runoff election against Macron. However, I thought Mélenchon was the socialist candidate, so won't all of his ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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How would France benefit from a potential "Frexit"?

I was recently seeing this video on the French Presidential Candidate Marine le Pen by Vox, and although the video and creators are slightly biased, they make these points:- "...She's particularly ...
Rohit Hari's user avatar
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Why are Marine Le Pen's possible connections with Steve Bannon something worth investigating?

According to The Telegraph, a French MP demanded an inquiry be made into Steve Bannon's links with Marine Le Pen: Mr Lefebvre made the demand in an open letter to the heads of the National ...
Alexei's user avatar
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8 votes
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Why is Marine Le Pen ordered to undergo psychiatric testing instead of being fined?

According to BBC, Marine Le Pen was ordered by a French court to undergo psychiatric testing: A French court has ordered far-right leader Marine Le Pen to undergo psychiatric tests as part of an ...
Alexei's user avatar
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Was any reason indicated for Marine Le Pen's choice about the party's new name?

According to this article (also confirmed by BBC), Marine Le Pen proposes National Front changes name to National Rally: French far-right leader Marine Le Pen has proposed her National Front ...
Alexei's user avatar
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Why does "extremist" concept for a political figure seem so unclear?

In order to narrow the scope of the question, I will consider the case of Marine Le Pen. According to this BBC article, she can be regarded as "far-right" due to hard line on immigration, treatment ...
Alexei's user avatar
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30 votes
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Is Le Pen ideologically a French equivalent of Trump?

I've heard some say that Marine Le Pen was like Trump and by voting against her the French have put the brakes on Trump-like populism. What are the political similarities between Le Pen and Trump?
BigDataLouie's user avatar
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How did Le Pen do better in the second round than in the first?

Although Le Pen lost the election, she got a higher proportion in the second round than in the first round: 33% versus 21%. Given that all the other parties were either neutral or supported Macron, ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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4 votes
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Does Marine Le Pen oppose circumcision?

In Marine Le Pen's Insane Kippah Ban Defense it's stated that Marine Le Pen is opposed to (male) circumcision: This becomes most apparent in Le Pen’s views on the headscarf and the yarmulke: ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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Can French President decide the recognition status of another territory/state?

According to this Wikipedia article, Marine Le Pen promised the recognition of Russian annexation of Crimea if elected as a president: According to Russian media, Le Pen has promised to recognize ...
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