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Questions tagged [united-kingdom]

Questions relating to the government and politics of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. If your question relates to a specific country within the Union, be that England, Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland, use with the relevant tag.

3 votes
1 answer

Could UK Government amendment lead to fracking?

I had a discussion about this and was genuinely interested but no one could really offer any insight. I'm Interested in anyone who can tell me why Amendment 54 to the Renewables Obligation could lead ...
Ross Drew's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How is UKIP seen in the United States and elsewhere?

I wonders whether UKIP is even known outside of Europe. UKIP is the United Kingdom Independence Party, which campaign on the right to self determination and libertarianism.
Chaffers's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

Equivalent to government shutdown in parliamentary systems

Given the recent government shutdown in the US, there have been a lot of related questions here wondering about the possibility of it happening in the UK, Australia, and so on. In general, the ...
Bobson's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How does the British Parliamentary system handle a situation like the US budget crisis?

I assume most people are aware of the recent US budget crisis where a disagreement between House and Senate caused non-essential parts of the US government to be shut down. There is a question here ...
DJClayworth's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Why did Churchill oppose Gandhi? [closed]

According to this article: Churchill didn't like Gandhi. Is it true? Why he didn't like him?
Derfder's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Did the British government call American revolutionaries terrorists?

Did the British government officially call American revolutionaries "terrorists" or any acts of theirs "terrorism"? If they did, was it justified under modern common-denominator definition of ...
user4012's user avatar
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17 votes
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Why does the UK have a Queen instead of a King?

Why is that? Is it because this way you know that the blood line would be still okay or any other logical reason except for tradition?
Derfder's user avatar
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11 votes
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Is there any significant political movement in England to get rid of Monarchy?

I know that there are/were significant political movements to get rid of the Queen's rule in some former colonies and Commonwealth states (from USA in 1776 to 1980/90s in Australia - see Republic ...
user1653's user avatar
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37 votes
1 answer

What governmental power does the Monarch hold in Great Britain in practice?

We have been led to believe that much of the power that was once held by the monarchy has been transferred to the Parliament and that the King is mostly a figurehead. However, the government is still ...
SoylentGray's user avatar
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10 votes
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How does the UK welfare system compare with other wealthy European nations?

Many citizens of the UK believe that the government are too much of a "soft touch", and that it is too easy to claim state welfare for a multitude of reasons (disability, housing, childcare, job ...
Matthew Layton's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why doesn't the Shadow Chancellor give the UK budget response?

Why is the budget response just given by the Leader of the Opposition rather than the Shadow Chancellor, who sits next to him?
DenverCoder9's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What are the political consequences of an official apology for a governement?

Tony Blair's hate of official apology impressed me a lot after reading these articles: Tony Blair admits people are still 'very abusive' 10 years after he ... Blair urged to apologise over '...
Persian Cat's user avatar
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Has the British Monarch ever exercised their right to revoke land "ownership" rights for personal use?

As I understand the British monarchy, all land in the United Kingdom is owned by the monarch. Owners of houses and businesses and the like within the United Kingdom are merely granted the use of the ...
Michael Kingsmill's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

What are the political reasons for a strong Euroscepticism in Britain?

Britain is fairly heavily "Eurosceptic": Within Europe overall, a positive to neutral opinion of the EU dominated, with about 46% of citizens having a positive opinion and only 16% having a ...
Sklivvz's user avatar
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of a politically appointed vs. permanent Civil Service?

The United Kingdom1 has a permanent, and (in theory, at least) politically neutral Civil Service - although it is sometimes argued that this neutrality has been eroded in recent decades. In contrast, ...
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