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Why are a majority of Vietnamese Republican, as opposed to other Asian-American groups in the United States? About half of Vietnamese American registered voters ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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Who coined the term "the Lululemon Belt"?

An article at Politico by Jonathan Martin refers to constituency or faction (apparently) made up of white female moderate suburban Republicans in "the Lululemon belt — from Buckhead to Bala ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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Has there been any examination of the recent upswing in latino support for Republicans in regards to age?

It's well known that older voters tend to be conservative. It's also known that hispanic immigration to the US really took off in the 1960's, meaning the first big waves of children born to hispanic ...
Ryan_L's user avatar
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Is the Republican Party on the decline due to the voting patterns of young voters? [closed]

I've seen a lot of questions lately asking if the Republican Party is on the decline. Most people who ask this question focus on the fact that White Anglos are expected to become a minority in a few ...
Sagierian's user avatar
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Why do Black voters in the USA not vote Republican? [duplicate]

This research by the Pew Institute breaks down demographic voting data from the 2016 election. Pew found that Hillary Clinton (Democrat) won Black voters by an 80% margin (88% to 8%). Is there any ...
user23920's user avatar
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Why are Deep South states said to vote so lop-sidedly Republican, when they have high percentages of African Americans?

States like Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana, have in the range of 30% African Americans, who, from what I can tell, vote about 90% Democrat. Yet these states vote reliably Republican. What is the ...
Joshua Fox's user avatar
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Does the US republican party have a demographics problem? [closed]

I've read in various articles that, among voters for the U.S. Republican Party, middle-aged white men are (strongly) over-represented, whereas among voters for the U.S. Democratic Party, voters from ...
gerrit's user avatar
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