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Questions tagged [kurdistan]

Questions related to the government or politics of Kurdistan.

5 votes
1 answer

Did the Iraqi central government explicitly object to (or approve of) any deals by Russian oil & gas companies with the Kurdish Regional Government?

According to al-Jazeera, citing various (alas unnamed Russian and Kurdish diplomats/officials), Russia financially "saved" the KRG at a crucial time, by having its major oil/gas companies ...
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16 votes
4 answers

Why does Sweden support Kurdish separatists in Turkey?

Turkey objects to Sweden gaining NATO membership on the grounds that Sweden supports "terrorism," namely Kurdish separatist fighters. Why has Sweden of all countries taken such an interest ...
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17 votes
3 answers

To what extent do Scandinavian countries support the Kurds (PKK and YPG)?

Turkish President Erdogan is opposed to Finland and Sweden's inclusion to NATO because of their alleged support of the PKK. He said Scandinavian countries are "guesthouses for terrorist ...
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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Why did the Syrian army recently place the Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood under siege?

For the past two weeks, the SAA (Syrian regime army) has been besieging the Kurdish-associated neighborhood of Sheikh Maqsoud, and also Ashrafiyeh, in Halab (Aleppo). See coverage from the North Press ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Are (or were) US companies involved in exploiting the Kurdish-controlled oil fields in Syria?

Trump said recently about the oil fields in the Kurdish controlled area of Syria: We’ve secured the oil. If you remember, I didn’t want to go into Iraq. I was a civilian, so I had no power over it. ...
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4 votes
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How many Europeans have died fighting for the YPG & YPJ?

According to a March 2018 UK press report, 8 UK citizens (7 men and one woman) have died fighting as volunteers in/alongside the YPG or YPJ. Are there any similar broader statistics for Europe? We ...
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5 votes
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How does Germany justify banning the YPG flag?

According to Wikipedia: In Germany, there is a ban on PKK [Kurdistan Workers' Party] symbols that, as of March 2017, is officially extended the YPG [People's Protection Units] and YPJ [Women's ...
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1 vote
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What Kurdish Syrian parties does the CIA and/or the US consider terrorist [affiliates] and which ones it doesn't?

According to Wikipedia While the PKK has been designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States, the United States' position on the YPG is that it is not a terrorist organization, ...
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2 votes
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Has the US clarified where they (rather than Turkey) expect the SDF to withdraw from?

VOA reported yesterday: With the withdrawal set to end Tuesday evening local time, Erdogan is warning Washington of its responsibilities to enforce it. "We expect our American allies to keep ...
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2 votes
3 answers

Has Pence essentially granted Kurdish Syrian territory to Turkey, subject to Russian approval?

The Guardian reports Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighters would pull back from Turkey’s proposed 20-mile (32km) deep “safe zone” on its border, Pence told reporters in Ankara on Thursday evening ...
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4 votes
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Does the M4 highway in Syria reside entirely in the initially announced Turkish "safe zone"?

According to CNN, Turkey and its proxies having cut off the M4 highway, which runs roughly in the east-west direction along the northern border (but in the Kobane-Aynisa sector it's more like ...
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2 votes
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Has Russia said anything about helping Syria fight Turkey, now that the SDF has allowed Assad's army to move north?

Apparently the Kurds have struck a deal with Assad's government. The Kurdish-led administration in northern Syria said the Syrian army would deploy along the entire length of the border as part of ...
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-6 votes
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Were Kurds Fascist? [duplicate]

Trump recently implied as much. I came across this, Kurds rebelling against the Allies. Were kurds Fascist?
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3 votes
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What is Trump's plan to end or reduce US involvement in Syria?

Trump recently slammed the "endless wars", but an apparently not very well publicized Pentagon press release from Oct 8 says: Despite continued misreporting to the contrary, Secretary Esper ...
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23 votes
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What is this "very, very powerful article" that Trump is referring to vis à vis the Kurds?

Trump said in a press conference on Oct 10 (or so), referring to the Kurds: as someone wrote in this very, very powerful article today, they didn't help us in the second world war, they didn't help ...
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11 votes
1 answer

Kurds in World War 2

I am reading quotes of Trump saying "They didn’t help us in the second world war, they didn’t help us with Normandy" in regards to Kurds. How could an ethnic group spread between multiple different ...
Leon's user avatar
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What is President Trump's first public reaction to Turkey's invasion into Northern Syria against his stark warning?

Hours ago, Turkey started an offensive into North Eastern Syria: ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey and its Syrian rebel allies have launched their military operation into northeastern Syria, President Tayyip ...
JJJ's user avatar
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Is the PKK [still] a terrorist group?

I am wondering if the designation of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) as a terrorist group might be outdated. Are there any instances of the PKK targeting civilians during the insurgency of 2015-...
Colin's user avatar
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Why has Macron offered to mediate between the Turkish government and YPG force of Syria?

Recently, the French president Macron has offered to mediate between the Syrian Kurdish force YPG and the Turkish government. How will Macron or France benefit from mediating between the YPG Kurds ...
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4 votes
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Iran rebukes Turkey on Syria incursion - Why?

Turkey is in Syria launching an offensive against the Kurds, and Iran just issued a warning for Turkey to back off. This confuses me - isn't it in Iran's interest for Turkey to suppress the Kurds? Why ...
Jamin Grey's user avatar
4 votes
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Is the PKK and PYD's political outlook unpopular among Iraqi Kurds?

The Kurdistan Democratic Solution Party is active in the Iraqi Kurdish autonomy zone; and it seems to be the counterpart of the PYD in Syria and the PKK in Turkey. The party failed rather miserably in ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Implications of a Kurdish Exit from Iraq [closed]

How would Kurdish officials deal with the situation following a "Yes" vote in a referendum to exit the Iraqi confederation. The "Kurdistan" so formed would border four countries: Iraq, Turkey Syria ...
Suhayb's user avatar
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How many Kurds have been killed, injured or incarcerated by Turkey in the last 20 years?

Turkey has waged a conflict with Kurds over their desire for independence for a while. Is it known (ideally from sources independent of Turkish government) how many Kurds were victims of this? By ...
user4012's user avatar
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8 votes
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How do Russians view the Kurds?

Are there any polls or research on how the Russian populace views the Kurds (in general, or those in Turkey specifically)?
user4012's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

What are the current military objectives of Rojava(Syrian kurds)?

The relations of various factions in syrian war seems to be very complicated, as can be seen in this image. Considering the Rojava, it seems like they are been supported by both Russian and US ...
Registered User's user avatar
4 votes
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Why US is supportive of YPG despite their links with PKK

PKK has been engaged in many terrorist activities and has been declared as terrorist organization by US herself. Merely a month ago the US defense chief openly admitted the links between PKK and YPG ...
Failed Scientist's user avatar
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How can Iraqi Kurdistan become a sovereign state?

Iraqi Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani wants to hold a referendum in October 2016 in an attempt to gain independence for Iraqi Kurdistan. Will this referendum make Iraqi Kurdistan a sovereign state? If ...
KevinZ's user avatar
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Why are US, EU and human-rights NGOs silent against the killing of innocent kurdish people in Turkey? [closed]

Everybody knows that Turkey and AKP party supports ISIS, in Turkey we see an internal war against Kurdish people, the Kurdish parties such as PYD, YPG, etc are based on freedom, human rights and ...
void's user avatar
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Are Kurds hostile to the west?

Compared to other ethnic groups in the middle east, are Kurds hostile towards the west (Australia in particular)? I don't mean annoyed or disappointed or exasperated by the west's betrayal or lack of ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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How are relationships between Russia and progressive Kurdish groups?

The Turkish PKK, known for its armed struggle for an independent Kurdistan, initially (1970s) described itself as communist, and more recently still rather radical as communalist. It is designated as ...
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