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Questions tagged [iraq]

Questions relating to the government or politics of the Republic of Iraq

33 votes
4 answers

Why was Qasem Soleimani in Iraq?

Earlier this week, Qasem Soleimani was killed by the US. The news media is brimming to capacity with news stories about this. However, not one - that I've seen at least - mentions why Qasem Soleimani ...
8 votes
2 answers

How did ISIS gain control of a stockpile of weapons that did not exist?

Breitbart is reporting: ISIS took over a military base in northern Iraq last month that contains Saddam Hussein’s stockpile of chemical weapons, including hundreds of warheads containing sarin and ...
1 vote
1 answer

Was John Abizaid's statement about the Iraq War rationale taken out of context?

I have recently visited the wikipedia page that was titled "Rationale for the Iraq War" for the sake of interest. I then saw a section titled oil in that wikipedia page. I never believed ...
4 votes
1 answer

Is the PKK and PYD's political outlook unpopular among Iraqi Kurds?

The Kurdistan Democratic Solution Party is active in the Iraqi Kurdish autonomy zone; and it seems to be the counterpart of the PYD in Syria and the PKK in Turkey. The party failed rather miserably in ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why is the United States seen as a major supplier of weapons to Saddam-era Iraq?

The United States is sometimes portrayed as a major supplier of weapons to Saddam-era Iraq. For example (slightly edited): Just look at the history books, Saddam was USA ally during the Iran/Iraq ...
21 votes
2 answers

Have US anti-ballistic-missile capabilities been used and were they effective in countering the recent Iranian missile strike on US bases in Iraq?

This is breaking news, so it may not be answerable right away but probably will be in a reasonably short term... Iran has launched (from its own territory) ballistic missile strikes against US bases ...
41 votes
3 answers

Who was General Qasem Soleimani, and why was he targeted by the US?

Early on Friday morning, the US carried out an air strike on Baghdad airport which killed General Soleimani, along with members of local militia. Who was General Soleimani, why is he so important, ...
-2 votes
3 answers

What is the international law to preserving the cultural sites?

After taking down the Iranian general Soleimani, Iranians vowed retaliation against USA. To which Trump tweeted that USA has targeted 52 locations of Iranian interests including the Cultural sites. ...
24 votes
2 answers

Why is Iraq's decision to expel US troops non-binding?

In response to the United States' killing of an important Iranian military commander on Iraqi soil on 3 January 2020, the Iraqi parliament voted to expel US troops from the country. According to ...
3 votes
1 answer

Has there been a decrease of US aid to Iraq under Trump?

Trump has recently threatened Iraq with sanctions if they decide to expel US troops. His statement didn't explicitly say anything about [withdrawing] US aid, which appears to still be ongoing, ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Why would the USA honour an Iraqi request for its military to leave? [closed]

Reportedly, President Trump has threatened Iraq with sanctions if they expel US troops. I don't understand the threat. It's not like military aggressors ask nicely before invading or occupying other ...
3 votes
1 answer

Does the US have any long-term leases on bases in Iraq?

Breaking news is that the Iraqi parliament has passed a non-binding resolution calling for the withdrawal of foreign troops: The non-binding resolution was passed by the Iraqi parliament after the ...
5 votes
1 answer

Did Qassim Suleimani have any kind of diplomatic status while he was in Iraq?

If so, what would be the direct consequences?
2 votes
1 answer

Did Rand Paul publicly approve of Obama's withdrawal from Iraq?

Rand Paul is one of the few (I think) high-level Republicans who publically approved of Trump's decision to withdraw from Syria. (Even Mitch McConnell attacked it and reminded that "A bipartisan ...
10 votes
1 answer

Does Saudi Arabia support Baathist resistance in Iraq?

Does Saudi Arabia support Baathist resistance in Iraq, currently led by Ad-Douri? Do they want to install a similar regime as in Egypt to counter the Qatari influence?

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