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Questions tagged [global-south]

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8 votes
5 answers

Is there a reason why countries in the Global South don't complain about Chinese overcapacity?

China said on Thursday that U.S. and European assertions of excess capacity were "naked trade protectionism" and that efforts to constrain new energy exports from the World's No.2 economy ...
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When was the last time China voted against the majority (51%) of the Global South during a UN resolution?

China has again sought to portray itself as a responsible world power in its rivalry with the United States, and pledged to champion the Global South. The latest effort came from top diplomat Wang Yi ...
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Has China ever attacked countries within the Global South for protectionism? The Chinese government did not immediately reply to a request for comment. It has consistently attacked what it calls “protectionism”, ...
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How does the common framework of the Paris Club ignore the goals of the Chinese and what does China seek to achieve in poor countries?

Another potential explanation is that Westerners designed the rules of the talks—called the common framework—without accounting for Chinese practices and goals, said Alexandra Zeitz, an assistant ...
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Why isn't the Global South pro-Israel like the West? [closed]

Claiming to be neutral and even-handed, President Xi Jinping supports a ceasefire. Yet he refuses to condemn Hamas for its 7 October atrocities and criticises Israel. He knows a ceasefire would ...
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Are there "global South" polls about the perception of US hypocrisy in conflicts?

The BBC quotes "Stephen Walt, a professor of international affairs at Harvard University" saying that: "In much of the Global South we're seen as deeply hypocritical, actively opposing ...
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