
First, examples of the kinds of "apologies to China" I'm asking about:

Back in 2019 there were some attempts to chronicle these apologies:

But is there a curated and updated attempted-to-be-comprehensive1 list of major organizations that have made formal apologies to China?

1 the "attempted-to-be-comprehensive" language comes from discussions on Is there an (attempted) complete list of organizations that have barred Taiwan from joining or participating with them, in order to appease China? which proposed that since lists can not be perfect, the question could not have an answer. I think this is an unhelpful argument. If one asked about organizations that document human rights violations, Human Rights Watch would be an answer, and "the question can't be answered because no list can be complete" would be silly.

The reason I use "attempted-to-be-comprehensive" is because I'm not looking for a David Letterman-like "Top Ten Apologies to China" static blogpost about previous events, but instead a concerted, curated, serious effort to maintain a chronicle of apologies to China.

  • I've added the human-rights and taiwan tags because these are likely to be the primary issues for which China would seek apologizes. I would not expect associating a Chinese mythical dragon, or Loong with a western mythical dragon for example would rise to the same level.
    – uhoh
    Commented Jul 8 at 2:17
  • 3
    What defines an 'apology' in this context? Whenever something happens that made the Chinese government unhappy, countries or other major actors may respond in some way. When does such a response constitute an apology, and according to whom? To me this is not a well-defined question and hence invites opinions as answers.
    – quarague
    Commented Jul 8 at 6:56
  • @quarague I've included four examples of apologies plus two lists from 2019 of apologies. Have you looked at those first before posting your comment? If you do, you will see phrases like "We apologize" and "we are sorry" etc. The question asks for a source, a list of apologies. It absolutely does not ask answer authors to judge for themselves. Any answer that tries do do that would be down-voted and deleted as not an answer. We can't always prevent a priori prevent that, but I've written this question as asking for an existing list as a reference and that certainly does not invite opinions
    – uhoh
    Commented Jul 8 at 7:36
  • @quarague But since you managed to miss all that, others may as well. So I'll add the reference-request tag to reinforce that same point again.
    – uhoh
    Commented Jul 8 at 7:39
  • Sounds like this might be a good one for you to provide your own provisional answer to. Answering your own questions is acceptable practice at Stack Exchange.
    – ohwilleke
    Commented Jul 8 at 22:01


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