A lot of people who are dissatisfied with the American political system have suggested ranked-choice voting.

I cannot find any polling where the people are asked, "What if the presidential or congressional election were done by ranked-choice voting: what would be your vote?" Do you know of any?

This would be curious. I find it hard to believe that no political science department in the whole of the USA took the trouble of attempting to find out.

edit: same question applies to STAR voting, or proportional representation, or other methods

  • 1
    Presidential elections using proportional representation might prove a trifle difficult to arrange. Unless you intend to keep the electoral college, I guess.
    – origimbo
    Commented Jul 5 at 12:40
  • It's difficult to ask people in a meaningful way what their vote would be since the point of introducing ranked-choice voting would be to change the way ballots would look: there would be more candidates. How do I know who I would vote for if I don't know what the ballot would look like?
    – phoog
    Commented Jul 5 at 16:25
  • @phoog for example they could ask about Biden, Trump, RFK Jr, Jill Stein and Chase Oliver. Commented Jul 6 at 3:10


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