
Is it easier for the countries that have officially recognized the State of Palestine to do business with it? I don't mean favoritism or political payback for recognition, but purely formal/legal arrangements. E.g., in the context of developing Gaza Marine gas field or importing Palestinian gas, would Spanish companies now have easier time making contracts and getting approval from Palestinian government and the occupation authorities than before the recognition? (Israel presumably still has a say in the matter, as it still controls de facto Palestinian territorial waters.)

1 Answer 1


In the particular case of a hypothetical state of Palestine, no, not at this stage, because the defacto situation on the ground hasn't changed at all.

State help has been flowing through Palestinian territories for a while now, and it hasn't changed much for Gaza. Recognition is unlikely to change anything.

Private enterprises need a leadership structure to deal with (if that leadership structure is recognized internationally it lowers the risk for the enterprise but it is not a mandatory requirement, it depends a lot on defacto setup), AND a well defined territory in which to operate. This will prevent situations of sudden legal changes or territorial changes that makes the investment very risky. Private enterprises tend not to survive territorial shifts through war.

In the case of Palestine, neither the leadership nor the territory are defined, so this will not change anything. Any non-shady company will avoid investing in territories that are active breeding grounds for terrorists, because you may never know when you will end up on a sanctions list.

  • Also, being able to pay and receive money is crucial for any business. The banking/payment/cash transfer situation in Palestine has been very problematic for a long time, thanks largely to Israeli restrictions (although the US and other pro-Israel countries also impose a lot of restrictions, and it overlaps with issues around sanctions/funding terrorism); this isn't going to change.
    – Stuart F
    Commented May 30 at 12:55

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