
The leaders of the German AfD party claim to be under attack. Alice Weidel fled to Mallorca, and Tino Chrupulla claimed to have been attacked by an injection. They requested more protection of their events than other parties. Do they need such protection?

  • 3
    You should change your question to ask either, "have the AfD requested more police protection than other parties?" or "have the AfD received more police protection than other parties". These questions are answerable. Whether they "need" special protection is a matter of opinion and conjecture. Commented Oct 8, 2023 at 13:42
  • @CharlieEvans One could also ask under which circumstances protection is provided and if these circumstances likely apply here. I guess the answer is trying to answer that instead. Exchange need with "are entitled to". Commented Oct 8, 2023 at 15:06
  • Are AFD events not already more policed than other parties'? I confess I don't really know much about them, but they have any large attendance by skinheads and counter-skinhead groups, they probably need more police already to keep the peace. Commented Oct 8, 2023 at 17:04
  • 1
    @Stančikas Stackoverflow did not let me delete the question.
    – Grim
    Commented Oct 8, 2023 at 20:17
  • 3
    Questions can't be deleted if they have upvoted answers, as those answers have value (even if the question itself may not) and should be allowed to stay. I understand that you object to some of the claims made in the answer, but that in itself is not a reason to delete the entire question - that's what comments and downvotes are for.
    – F1Krazy
    Commented Oct 8, 2023 at 21:37

1 Answer 1


You asked if they need more protection.

In Germany, the police provide protection to government and opposition politicians based on the role and an individual threat assessment. We cannot know what protection the AfD leadership objectively needs because facts are still unclear. We cannot know what the police has in the way of confidential information, either, because those who are cleared for it obviously cannot talk.

The typical level of protection for a state-level Secretary of the Interior seems to be two plainclothes-but-recognizable bodyguards (the radio earpieces and the haircuts tend to be a clue) and a driver. Secretaries of less exposed departments may have none. At the federal level, protection levels go up. During and after the Corona-related public health measures, the federal Secretary of Health got beefed-up protection ...

  • Ms. Weidel claims to have gone into hiding after threats against her. She went to a popular tourist destination and supposedly she was seen in a beachfront restaurant.
  • Mr. Chrupalla claims to have been attacked by an injection. His federal police bodyguards claim to have noticed nothing, a subsequent examination may have found a small puncture, a forensic examination of his blood found nothing unusual.

Emotions run high during the current state-level election campaigns, and the police decided, based on their threat assessment, to provide protection for various campaign events. It seems to me that other parties are more likely to be at risk (from AfD supporters).

It is common for the AfD to portray itself as the victim of persecution by all other parties and by 'the system.' It is common for all or most other parties to refuse to cooperate with the AfD in any way, even in ways which are usually parliamentary practice. Given this history, personally I take the AfD claims with a grain of salt.

  • Can you provide a link to a official source for the pucture during the subsequent examination?
    – Grim
    Commented Oct 8, 2023 at 13:55
  • 1
    @Grim, this one is 48h old, tagesschau.de. The question seems to be about a 'needle-like puncture' or a 'needle puncture.' The blood analysis found nothing.
    – o.m.
    Commented Oct 8, 2023 at 16:19
  • @o.m. Thats a lie. Check your sources. The doctor pointed out that no needle-like puncture was found. (merkur.de/politik/zr-92563022.html)
    – Grim
    Commented Oct 8, 2023 at 16:36

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