
Are there any Pro-Assad forces or militias affiliated with the Assad government that use cryptocurrencies to finance their operations?

During my research on the Ukrainian war there are people on both sides of the conflict that used crypto for financing. Like Rusich or Azov.

What I rather less heard of is the usage of crypto by the Assad forces in the Syrian civil war.

I wonder if there is at least one unit that use it to support their operations?

  • 2
    Any context or prior research?
    – James K
    Commented May 23, 2023 at 20:51

1 Answer 1


Hezbollah, a paramilitary group that provides training for pro-Assad paramilitary groups and has fought against rebel forces, with about 4000 fighters inside Syria source has used cryptocurrency to some extent, as its traditional sources of funding have been reduced (by sanctions against Iran, and by hyperinflation in Venezuela) source

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