In Opinion polls for the Icelandic parliamentary election, 2017, the Vinstrihreyfingin – grænt framboð (Left-Green Movement) is leading in most polls, with recent polls giving it 22%–30% with a 0%–8% lead over the number 2 (depending on the specific poll). There is thus a real chance it may become the largest party in the elections on 28 October.

Has any Green party ever become the largest party in national elections? I'm aware of the Baden-Württemberg state election, 2016 where the German Green Party came first (with 30.3%), but that's within a single German federal state and thus not on a national level.


1 Answer 1


The answer is that no, a Green party has never been the largest party in a national election, although Green parties have been part of a governing coalition government, together with other larger parties, in some national parliaments on a few occasions.

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