The scenario (6 players):


Player A is all-in ($50)
Player B is all-in ($50)
4 others call.


Player C is all-in ($100)
Player D is all-in ($100)


Player E (the button) raises $100
Player F calls $100

I'm revealing from the higher side pot (the river pot), to the lower side pot, to the main pot. I know to check Player E's hand first since he raised on the river, then Player F's hand, but who's first to reveal in the next side pot (Player C or Player D)? Should I start with the player nearest to the dealer's left?

1 Answer 1


Player E shows the hand first, and then players reveal their cards in clockwise manner. The dealer selects winner(s) of sidepots and main pots.

"Players are encouraged to show their cards promptly to avoid delaying the game, but if there is any reluctance, they are required to show them in clockwise order, beginning with the last player who bet or raised in the last betting round, or with the player who began the last betting round if everyone checked." (source)

  • Thank you for your response. I have a question to your answer. Wouldn't PlayerD's All-in be considered a Call since he's calling and going all-in at the same time, in response to PlayerC's All-in? Commented Jun 28, 2014 at 17:46
  • I'm sorry on a second thought, I made a mistake. The showdown is encouraged to be as quick as possible. The last player to bet opens his/her cards, and the rest follow in a clockwise order.
    – Roman Mik
    Commented Jun 28, 2014 at 18:33
  • Good source link.
    – Toby Booth
    Commented Jun 29, 2014 at 13:38

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