

Produkcja maszyn automatycznych

Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen 198 207 obserwujących

Pomagamy budować przewagę dla nowoczesnego przemysłu w oparciu o technologię - łączymy świat automatyki ze światem IT.

You have questions about hardware development at ifm?

From start to success

Your ideas shape the journey from the very first sketches to reality. Here, you have the opportunity to be actively involved in every step of the way, designing benchmark products from start to launch. Don't be a spectator of success - be a creator of success.

Be part of a revolution that redefines the future.

Practical pioneering work

We don't just work in theory, we test our principles in practice. With a strong focus on practical application, you can be sure that your ideas won’t just stay in your head. With us, you become an active part of the process by testing the theory in the real world. This is where knowledge can be put into action.

Be part of a team that seamlessly combines theory and practice.

Achieving more together

We believe in cooperation and sharing to achieve our visions. With us, you don't sit alone at your desk, but actively exchange ideas with colleagues from different disciplines. This dynamic interaction encourages creativity and innovation to work together on solutions that go beyond individual departments.

Be part of a culture in which exchange paves the way for results.

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