Piglet Structures Wiki

Release date[]



Additions (items):[]

Additions (blocks):[]

Additions (structures):[]

Additions (general):[]

  • added the new items to mobs' and structures' loottables
  • a few mobs did not have any loot, so now they do
  • added structure processors to some structures (randomisation of part of the blocks they consist of)


  • increased the chance for rarer custom items in the structures' chests (from ~25% up to ~50% per structure)
  • increased the chance for the Not Mysterious Package and Mysterious Bundle in the structures' chests (from ~12,5% up to ~25% per structure)
  • increased the chance for the Unpredictable Wand dropping from the Garden Gnome mini-boss (from 25% up to 50%)
  • made most structures spawn more frequentely
  • the Freezer (magical weapon) now covers ground in snow when the projectile hits a block (in 3 blocks radius)
  • The Freezer (mob)'s projectiles now cover ground in snow when the projectile hits a block (just the block above the hit location - due to performance optimalisation)
  • the Mummy Rags armour set has a slight texture update
  • the Flamite armour set has a slight texture update
  • the Wheatbug's speed bonus level now randomly change every 70-140 ticks (from speed 1 to 3)
  • discontinued support for 1.19.4 version due to lack of interest
  • rephrased the Grass Breakers' description


  • pillagers weren't present in the Pillager Fort structure
  • a few mobs weren't dropping exp
  • the Feathered Sword had a mistake in its description
  • the Loottable Air item was inedible
  • one of the Savanna Ruins' variants was missing a structure void block
  • a few custom sounds were in stereo instead of mono format, causing them not to work as 3D sounds
  • the Wheatbug's model's scale was randomly switching
  • the Decorative Bottle did not have a dedicated tool do be broken with