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Integral fan
  • Member for 2 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
8 votes

Can Kepler's laws be used to derive Newton's gravitation formula?

4 votes

How do physicists mathematically define gravitational waves?

1 vote

Harmonic Gauge in linearized GR and meaning of coordinate system

1 vote

Higher order terms in Big Bang derivation

1 vote

Inside the Photon sphere of a black hole

0 votes

Satisfy the schrodinger equation using this wave function with the borders

0 votes

Is there a maximum mass limit for black holes?

0 votes

Experiment design: can one actually measure the speed of non-local light in curved spacetime

0 votes

Resources on Post-Einsteinian Results in GR

0 votes

Does the van Stockum dust have closed timelike geodesics?

0 votes

Quantum Mechanics time derivative of operators