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Pipe's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
13 votes

How do photons affect each other gravitationally?

5 votes

What does $\overset\leftrightarrow{\partial_{\mu}}$ means?

3 votes

Building a Lorentzian metric from an induced metric in Euclidean space

2 votes

How can we be sure that black hole's singularity is not a missunderstanding?

2 votes

A question on the causal hierarchy/ladder and the existence of CTC

2 votes

Topology change and Canonical Formulation?

2 votes

Derivation of the Schwarzschild metric: why are $g_{22}$ and $g_{33}$ the same as for flat spacetime?

2 votes

A question about the topology of spacetime and the existence of CTCs

2 votes

Is the Christoffel connection in 2D a total derivative?

2 votes

If the speed of causality changes, could you go FTL?

1 vote

Why do we defer to GR when describing black holes rather than rely on QM?

1 vote

Question on the creation of an entangled photon pair in a specific realization of the EPR-Bohm Experiment

1 vote

Understanding this spacetime diagram

1 vote

Spin-1 polarization vectors (massive particle)

0 votes

Am I understanding the equivalence principle correctly?

0 votes

Junction Conditions: In what cases is matching the extrinsic curvature at a boundary tantamount to matching metric derivatives at the boundary?

0 votes

Non-Compactness in Penrose Singularity

0 votes

Spacetime metrics extended to negative radius

0 votes

What do black holes spin relative to?

0 votes

How to relate Riemannian and Lorentzian tetrad fields on the same manifold/spacetime?