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Time is defined operationally to be that which is measured by clocks. The SI unit of time is the second, which is defined to be

1 vote

What type of time dependent measurement would be the same whole over the world?

My 1st thought was the Solar Cycle--which is slow, but certainly observable Earth-wide. After reading your comment, I am going with pulsars. They are not just Earth wide, they are solar system (and be …
JEB's user avatar
  • 35.4k
10 votes

Double-slit experiment: electrons 'everywhen'?

In quantum mechanics, time is not a dimension, it's a universal parameter (involved in the evolution of states/operators depending upon your so-called picture). … Quantum fields permeate space-time, and an electron is quanta of that field. Since computations are so difficult, we usually think in approximations. …
JEB's user avatar
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1 vote

If time reversal symmetry was preserved would past and future notions be defined

The laws of physics being time reversal symmetric means the equations are still valid if you reverse time. … So that is what time reversal invariance is all about. …
JEB's user avatar
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0 votes

Time dilation - do all moving clocks run slower?

So $A$'s clock is going to tick off a time of $$t_A=t_0$$ which is the proper time between the two relevant events because $A$ is at rest. …
JEB's user avatar
  • 35.4k
2 votes

Time and measurement relation to displacement

One way is: "...The unperturbed ground-state hyperfine transition frequency of the caesium 133 atom, to be 9192631770 when expressed in the unit Hz, which is equal to s$^{−1}$" which measures oscillat …
JEB's user avatar
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1 vote

Why does everyone seem to think that moving clock appear to tick slower?

So the observer on the train ($\gamma=10$) has a clock. He looks out the window and sees a single clock (A). Let's say they are momentarily synchronized, so they both read 12:00. The instantaneous spe …
JEB's user avatar
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0 votes

Gravitational attraction between two kilogram weights

You need to find a function of time that works. … So the cube of the radius goes like time-squared? Sounds like Kepler's Law. Maybe you could have solved the problem with dimensional analysis. …
JEB's user avatar
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2 votes

Zeptosecond smallest unit of time ever measured? How?

that directly depends on that time period. … The lifetime is around 5 ys, or roughly the time it takes light to cross a proton. …
JEB's user avatar
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2 votes

If photons evolve over time, how can they not have mass?

If you are talking about photons from galaxies and other distant sources, they are red shifted relative to the rest frame of their source because we are moving away from the source rapidly. The photon …
JEB's user avatar
  • 35.4k
0 votes

What does the $v$ term in the proper time equation represent exactly?

Since, based on the equation, you are comparing 2 time differences among 3 events. Let's say the 1st even is the start. … If you just use abstract $\Delta$'s, confusion will result, as you'll forget which hyperplane of simultaneity (defined by equal coordinate time in a reference frame) by which you are comparing. …
JEB's user avatar
  • 35.4k
2 votes

How to determine the correct time using quadratic functions if there are multiple "correct" ...

It represents the solution running the experiment backwards in time (or at least continuing it to earlier times, with the same kinematics). …
JEB's user avatar
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-1 votes

In what circumstances would a 1000 years on Earth be a single day

A thousand years on earth would be a single (solar) day if the earthed had a sidereal rotation period of 0.999001 years.
JEB's user avatar
  • 35.4k
1 vote

Perception of light speed when traveling between two light sources

The problem with this question is it imbues special meaning to the light's source. That is important when doing astronomy and spectroscopy, but this is not that. The problem is that it implies there i …
JEB's user avatar
  • 35.4k
22 votes

Are we really moving at the speed of light in the time dimension?

You, referring to yourself, always have a 4-velocity: $$ u_{\mu} = (c, \vec 0) $$ which has: $$ u_0 = c $$ Hence, moving through the time-direction at the speed of light. …
JEB's user avatar
  • 35.4k
4 votes

Possibility of anti-time

Regarding time, there is no anti-time; however, time-reversal was once thought to be a symmetry of space-time (the Weak interaction broke that). … Velocity is "time-odd", while position is time even ($T:\vec x \rightarrow +\vec x$). …
JEB's user avatar
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