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The speed of light is a fundamental universal constant that marks the maximum speed at which energy and information can propagate. Its value is $299792458\frac{\mathrm{m}}{\mathrm{s}}$.

0 votes

How feasible is it to measure the trajectory of light?

If the velocity of the train is in the $x$-direction, and $y$ is vertical, with the laser in the train frame shooting straight up. A vertically propagating light wave is described by: $$ E(x', y', t') …
JEB's user avatar
  • 35.4k
1 vote

Can relative speeds be greater than the speed of light?

Focusing on the 1st question (which is a great place to start if you're trying to wrap your head around SR): You can't add velocities, but you can add "rapidities", which is (with $c=1$): $ w = \tanh …
JEB's user avatar
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2 votes

Can light be dragged by fluid?

In the fluid frame, the light is moving at $u' = c/n$. If the lab is moving colinearly at $\pm v$, then the velocity of the light in the lab frame is: $$ u = \frac{u'\pm v}{1+\frac{vu'}{c^2}} = \frac{ …
JEB's user avatar
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2 votes

Second postulate of Special Relativity - Finite Invariante Speed?

It possible that you can't define the 2nd postulate, since according to $$ \infty \ne \infty $$ Regarding the 1st postulate …
JEB's user avatar
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0 votes

Why are 2 clocks needed to measure the 1-way speed of light?

Aligning the slots is indeed a problem. How do you spin the thing up? If you start from one side, then the slots are aligned if torque propagates down the axle FTL (c.f. Born Rigidity). OK, so you can …
JEB's user avatar
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0 votes

If speed of light is constant for all inertial frames would a photon take longer to go betwe...

This is really a "Do the Lorentz Transform" situation, since it is once of the easiest. In the trolly's frame ($S$), there are two events (labeled by $(ct, x)\rightarrow (t, x)$, with $c=1$): Transmis …
JEB's user avatar
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1 vote

How can light have a speed when it devies what speed is?

This question really shouldn't receive down votes (punctuation notwithstanding) since it is entirely logical for Galilean relativity. You fire a laser pulse with wavenumber $\vec k$, and then just boo …
JEB's user avatar
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0 votes

Just something I was thinking related to light travelling

If you are 1 light year from Earth, and the Earth time is 1/1/2020 12:00:01 AM, then you are seeing Earth's light that was emitted on 1/1/2019. If you are stationary with respect to Earth, then that l …
JEB's user avatar
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1 vote

I am confused about the idea that the speed of light is independent of the speed of the sour...

In the reference frame of the sail boat, no one is moving. The laser pointer at the top of the mast is pointed straight down, and to no one's surprise, the laser takes 1 second to traverse the mask an …
JEB's user avatar
  • 35.4k
2 votes

Turning on headlights near light speed

No. How would time dilation and space contraction work? If you are at rest in your car and you emit a flash, you see it propagating out at $c$ in a spherical shell. What if you are moving at $v=0.99 …
JEB's user avatar
  • 35.4k
5 votes

Laser color, does it depend on the reference system of the beholder?

When once speaks of the color of light, there is a implicit reference frame. A plane wave (in the $z$-direction) takes the form: $$ E(x,y,z,t) = E_0e^{i(kz-\omega t)}=E_0e^{i\phi(z, t)}$$ where $$\phi …
JEB's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a maximum speed you can travel through time? If so, could you ever reach such a speed?

So the spacetime velocity refers to the 4-velocity. Most of our favorite 3D vectors have a 4-vector counter-part, and it is this 4-vector counter part Lorentz transforms between various interial frame …
JEB's user avatar
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1 vote

Do you feel the radiated heat of an explosion before you see it?

The index of refraction for gases is commonly discussed using: $$ \eta \equiv (n-1)\times 10^6 $$ The general value for air is $\eta=273$; however, if you need to consider dispersion, the accepted f …
JEB's user avatar
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-1 votes

What causes light to refract?

There an many ways to look at this problem. I am going to add, light refracts because its path satisfies Fermat's Principle : "light travels between two points along the path that requires the least t …
JEB's user avatar
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3 votes

Has the amount of force/energy required to counter gravity the same scaling as energy requir...

It doesn't take any energy to counter gravity on Earth. Just stand on the ground, which applies a for $f=mg$. Integrating that force over the distance it is applied gives the work done: $$ W = \int_{z …
JEB's user avatar
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