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1 answer

Why does solar cell performance use short-circuit current per unit area and open-circuit vol... [closed]

Here on this slide on page 54: Only the short-circuit current ($J_{SC}$) is given with respect to area, whereas the voltage stands without relation to area. One could calculate it, because the area i …
AskingBecauseIHaveQuestions's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the relation between the short-circuit current and the band gap energy in solar cells?

For the VOC it is: VOC = E_g - something, where something is positive and depends on the Urbach energy. Otherwise it should be linear: For the ISC I d …
AskingBecauseIHaveQuestions's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why don’t illuminated series connected (photo-)diodes bias each other?

When you connect, let's say, three photodiodes or solar cells, with a load, and you measure the voltage across the middle photodiode. Will the voltage change if the adjacent cells are in the dark if …
AskingBecauseIHaveQuestions's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How many hot electrons are in solar cells that do not thermalize?

When an electron in a solar cell is excited beyond the conduction band edge, it will most likely thermalize which can only be counted as a heat loss. But in a few cases the electron will directly reco …
AskingBecauseIHaveQuestions's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why are we even interested in solar cells under bias voltage?

I couldn't find any answer on this super basic question. Some people on the internet say that you would not put a solar cell in an array under bias, others say that they bias themselves, but I don't u …
AskingBecauseIHaveQuestions's user avatar
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Why can it be important to engineer band alignments/offsets (e.g. CdS buffer layer in CIGS)?

I would like to ask this question by the example of the CdS buffer layer in CIGS solar cells. One paper (!divAbstract) says that CdS i …
AskingBecauseIHaveQuestions's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why is the diffusion length defined for minority charge carriers only?

As far as I could infer from the solar cell literature, when talk is about the "diffusion length", only the minority carriers are concerned. Is there a diffusion length defined for majority carriers? …
AskingBecauseIHaveQuestions's user avatar