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The study of the presence and flow of electric charge. Charges, currents, fields, potentials.

1 vote

What will be the variation in potential in a zero resistance wire connected to a battery?

Firstly, any system attempts to achieve a state with minimal energy. So, for example, when the two plates of a parallel plate capacitor are connected, regardless of the resistance of the conductor use …
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  • 484
1 vote

The current flow in a neon light tube aligned with a static electric field

As soon as the static electricity is removed from the surface, some mechanism replenishes it. In an old Van De Graff, it would've been some belt based mechanism. …
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  • 484
1 vote

Understanding the ordinate at $R=0$ in a capacitor experiment

Curve fitting for data is valid only when both the quantities being considered have any physical meaning. Also, curve fitting must be taken with a pinch of salt. By fitting and extending a curve, you …
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  • 484
0 votes

Could we use nuclear bombs to generate electricity?

No... In a nuclear bomb, energy does not last long enough... For continuous power, simply not enough...... But it might be possible to power a satellite launch vehicle with a nuclear bomb... But hydr …
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1 vote

What was Faraday's experiment's of induction?

When Michael Faraday made his discovery of electromagnetic induction in 1831, he hypothesized that a changing magnetic field is necessary to induce a current in a nearby circuit. To test his hypo …
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