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Dirac delta of operators multiplying matrix element

In playing around with the Wigner-Weyl correspondence, I found myself needing to perform an integral of exponential operators, which I am confused about. TLDR: help to evaluate $$\int d{x}dy\ \delta(x\...
Landuros's user avatar
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Are Wigner functions of any Unitary operator in $B(L^{2}(\mathbb{R}))$ in $L^{2}(\mathbb{R}^{2})$?

Are Wigner functions of any Unitary operator in $B(L^{2}(\mathbb{R}))$ in $L^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{2})$? i.e. Let $e^{iA} \in B(L^{2}(\mathbb{R}))$. Define the Wigner function (Wigner transform) as ...
Hldngpk's user avatar
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Wigner-Weyl transform for a function of coordinates only

I am reading this paper by Tatarskii, which serves as an introduction to the Wigner representation of quantum mechanics. There is a step in the paper involving the Weyl transform that does not seem ...
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Non-commutative Fourier transform of an operator

Wigner-Weyl transform relates an operator to its distribution function in phase space through an operator Fourier transform which is said to be non-commutative. $$ \hat{\rho} \xrightarrow[non-comm]{...
Mark Robinson's user avatar
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Basic confusion with quantum mechanical operators

Given a classical observable, $a(x,p),$ Weyl quantization gives the correspondent QM observable as: $$\langle x | \hat{A} | \phi \rangle=\hbar^{-3}\int \int a \left(\frac{x+y}{2},p\right)\phi(y) e^{2\...
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