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Questions tagged [strong-force]

The strong force or interaction is responsible for the confinement of quarks inside hadrons and the binding of nucleons inside a nucleon, and it is described by the gauge theory of QCD. It provides most of the mass of ordinary matter, which is dominated by the nucleons, proton and neutron: over 99% of the mass of these is attributable to the strong-force field energy. Use where technical details of QCD are not warranted.

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Do pions not interact with other pions via the strong force?

Imagine a positive and negative pion, their only interaction between each other would be due to electromagnetism and the weak force, right? It is not like these two pions can form neutral pions due to ...
Aravind Karthigeyan's user avatar
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„Orbital“ of an quark

Inspired by the idea of the electron orbitals ( probability of finding an electron in an atom) i was wondering what that would look like inside a proton or neutron for quarks. For simplicity consider ...
Anon's user avatar
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How do mesons explain nuclear stability?

I understand that nuclear stability is explained by the presence of the residual nuclear force, which in turn is a result of the strong nuclear force, which I believe, is mediated between quarks via ...
sushant_padha's user avatar
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Would two helical magnetic fields attract stronger than two normal dipole magnets?

We know that we can artificially manipulate magnetic flux in space combining different discrete magnetic sources to create complex magnetostatic fields on air like chiral magnets or even helical ...
Markoul11's user avatar
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Is the strong force a historical accident? [closed]

This is a history-of-physics question. The atom was discovered to have a nucleus, a very small core with a positive charge. Then all atoms were found to have roughly multiples of the charge of the ...
J Thomas's user avatar
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Are there workable alternative ways to visualize the strong force?

Background Same electric charges always repel each other, without exception. Opposite charges always attract. An atomic nucleus with multiple positive charges must therefore generate tremendous forces ...
J Thomas's user avatar
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Why spin-aligned nucleons bind stronger together [duplicate]

Protons bind to neutrons only if their spin is parallel to each other. Is there an easy explanation for this? What force is responsable for this spin dependence?
Anon's user avatar
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Is the gluon also a repulsive force?

In the picture of a proton we see 3 quarks, held together by gluons. But the two $u$ quarks repel each other , so the gluons act through the strong force, whereas the $u$ and $d$ quarks attract each ...
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Why doesn't a nucleus-like body made up of just neutrons exist?

We know that neutrons exert short ranged nuclear forces over other nucleons in a nucleus, and these forces are only attractive in nature. Also this force is universal and doesn't differentiate between ...
Mehul's user avatar
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Why did the quark epoch occur earlier than the lepton epoch?

I don't understand the reason and hypothesis behind why the quarks appeared first—as per the big bang cosmology—shortly after the strong and electroweak force separated. We don't know what the quarks ...
Rivu Adhikary's user avatar
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Non-relativistic quark model, baryon masses and potential

Is there a simple non-relativistic quark model, based on which baryon masses, especially for the nucleon and the Delta resonance can be calculated? What is a reasonable non-relativistic potential? Is ...
TomS's user avatar
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On $\Delta^{+}$ particle decay

Using isospin notation $$ \Delta^+=\left|\frac 3 2,\frac 1 2\right\rangle=\frac{1}{\!\sqrt{3}}\bigg(|duu\rangle+|udu\rangle+|uud\rangle\!\bigg) $$ It is known all of the $\Delta$ baryons with mass ...
ric.san's user avatar
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Does the energy of the strong force have mass? [closed]

The mass of a proton is said to predominantly be "comprised" of the mass of the strong force interactions within the proton. Logically, one could conclude that the energy (the strong force ...
Adelina Mitkova's user avatar
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Strength of strong force and electromagnetic force

In this link, it is claimed that the strength of the strong force w.r.t. the E&M force is about 137 times larger. Does this have anything to do with the fine structure constant?
Learning Life Long's user avatar
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If isospin is conserved in a given strong interaction, can we say that the interaction is certainly allowed?

If isospin is conserved in a given strong interaction, can we say that it is certainly allowed and it's not needed to check other conservation rules like baryon number, electric charge etc. ?
Detective W.'s user avatar
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How did Ernest Sternglass’ phenomenologically incorrect model of the neutral pion predict its mass and lifetime so accurately?

In 1961, Ernest Sternglass published a paper where, using what seems to be to be a combination of relativistic kinematics and Bohr’s old quantisation procedure, he looked at the energy levels of a set ...
tomdodd4598's user avatar
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What would happen in a hypothetical universe without the other forces other than gravity? [closed]

What would be the rules of a hypothetical universe where there is only gravitational force, and weak strong and EM force do not exist? What would be the consequences of that?
Chao Somnium's user avatar
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Strong nuclear force in fusion

I have read that there is an increase in the amount of the binding energy from the reactant nuclei and the product nucleus during nuclear fusion and this causes the decrease the internal energy (...
Scientific Co 's user avatar
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Cause of Strong force

What is the origin and cause of the strong interaction which occurs between the nucleons? I have read that it is caused by the exchange of mesons but what then ultimately causes this meson exchange to ...
Scientific Co 's user avatar
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Nuclear FISSION origin

Neutrons and protons consist of quarks, and when a neutron and a proton are squeezed tightly enough together, the quarks in each begin to interact and cause them to attract one another. The resulting ...
Hardik Rathi's user avatar
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Is $SU(3)$ (and not $U(3)$) the symmetry group of color interactions because $U(1)$ is already used for EM?

I have already seen this question. It was answered that $U(3)$ can be decomposed into $SU(3) \times U(1)$, and $U(1)$ is already used for the EM interaction. Still, I wonder why the EM interaction ...
MatterGauge's user avatar
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Why is there no stable nucleus with two or more neutrons but no protons? [duplicate]

Why is there no stable nucleus with two or more neutrons but no protons?
Solidification's user avatar
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Why we do not get naturally occurring elements with atomic number greater than 92? [duplicate]

Why we do not get naturally occurring elements with atomic number greater than 92? I know that some arguments suggests that the reason is that all the elements with atomic number from 93 are highly ...
Neutralino's user avatar
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What percentage of a Proton's mass is potential/kinetic energy?

So in an hydrogen atom, the total mass of the atom is equal to the masses of the proton, the electron, minus their net binding energy of around 13 eV. Making the total less massive than the sum of its ...
Anthony Khodanian's user avatar
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Do all hadrons experience the strong nuclear force?

In nuclear physics, nuclear force, also known as the residual strong force, is mediated by pions exchanged between protons and neutrons. It doesn't seem like this should be limited to protons and ...
zucculent's user avatar
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Can we say that binding energy is the work done by the strong nuclear force?

I know that the strong nuclear force is the force that holds the nucleus together by overcoming electromagnetic repulsion between protons. Binding energy is the minimum energy that is required to ...
Sasikuttan's user avatar
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Questions about Yukawa Potential for Strong Force

Here is what I have understood about the strong force: This is a close range force which acts on two charges. The way it works is that a charge releases a meson which attracts the two charges together ...
Dan's user avatar
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How strong nuclear force become repulsive at distance less than 0.7fm? What is its mechanism? [duplicate]

I read many times that strong force become repulsive at distance less than (0.7×10^-15 m) but no-one explains how? and what is its carrier particle? what is its mechanism? I searched for answers so ...
Vishal's user avatar
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Changing electromagnetic and strong coupling in tandem?

It has been widely said that if $\alpha$ were to increase by only a few percent, life would be impossible because of the lack of carbon production in stars--and if it is increased too much, ...
Logan R. Kearsley's user avatar
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Is a 6-quark particle viable?

It is my understanding (which may be flawed) that protons and neutrons are stable because the 3 (R, G, and B) quarks form a "white" color singlet. Wouldn't 6 quarks or even 9 quarks create ...
Rick's user avatar
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What are the weak force and strong force and higgs constants?

We use the SI System of measurement which is a human made system. In order to accurately describe forces/fields in nature we need to use certain experimentally determined constants to "scale"...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
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Griffiths Elementary Particles Eq. 8.48 Chromodynamics 2nd edition

Griffiths describes the quark-antiquark amplitude (First order approximation considering its Feynman Diagram page 289) as similar to the electron-muon amplitude. He compares them in a way such that ...
Asanovic Tomas's user avatar
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How do the strong and weak forces relate to nuclear fission and fusion?

Fission and fusion are due to the strong and weak forces, but it is unclear to me which is responsible for which.
Tad Boniecki's user avatar
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Why should the EM interaction cause a mass difference between neutron and proton but not between $u$-quark and $d$-quark?

The reason why the $u$-quark and the $d$-quark have different masses is that they couple with different Yukawa coupling strengths to the Higgs field. My understanding is that this is the sole reason ...
Solidification's user avatar
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How can the strong force, which is conservative, not follow the inverse square law?

In terms, which someone with a background in chemical physics & quantum chemistry might understand, what is the evidence that the strong force, across whatever its range is, follows something ...
Doc's user avatar
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How do Fermi-Dirac statistics contribute to fermions in the Pauli Exclusion Principle?

So I’m doing some research on Quantum Chromodynamics and I've come to an area in which I’m having some trouble arriving at a conclusive answer. Apparently the Pauli exclusion principle states that no ...
PhysicsEnthusiast 's user avatar
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What units is strong nuclear charge measured in? [duplicate]

Do particles have a strong nuclear charge in the same way as they have electric charge? If so what unit would be used to measure this? Would it be measured in Coulomb for instance?
Derek Seabrooke's user avatar
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Do gluons mediate the interactions between different flavors of quark?

From some of the quite professional sources (Basics from QCD by CERN; QCD from PDG), the QCD lagrangian is written in the form of $$ L = \Sigma_{f} \; \bar{\psi}^{(f)} i \gamma^\mu D_\mu \psi^{(f)} + ...
王凯越 Kaiyue Wang's user avatar
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How can I visualize the oxygen nuclear charge density?

Oxygen has 8 protons and 8 neutrons. Based on the nuclear shell model, protons should pair with anti-parallel protons to create singlet spin states, and neutrons should similarly pair with anti-...
bobuhito's user avatar
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How can the strong nuclear force (QCD) be considered to violate chirality, but not parity?

Chirality is related to parity, correct? It is a form of 'parity'? So, How can the strong force violate chirality symmetry, but only the weak force violates parity symmetry? I am confused about the ...
Kurt Hikes's user avatar
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Does Temperature Affect electromagnetic/Strong/Weak Force?

From what I understand, the energy or temperature of a structure with mass has no effect on the gravitational force it emits. Is the same true for the other fundamental forces? What would happen to ...
Tian Tu's user avatar
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How do virtual particles cause an attraction? [duplicate]

How do virtual particles such as photons cause a force between particles such as an attraction between protons and electrons?
Shlomo Lewis's user avatar
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Why does the binding energy per nucleon rise as the nucleon number rises, then go down again, with nuclei heavier than iron? [duplicate]

As the strong nuclear force is a short range force, and as it is way stronger than Coulomb force, Lumen Learning answered my question as follows: “for low-mass nuclei, the nuclear attraction dominates ...
miaouuma's user avatar
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Is nuclear force always attractive?

I read in my high school physics's textbook that nuclear force holds the nucleus. Is the nuclear force another name for the strong force? If it holds the nucleus it should be attractive. Am I right?
mathLover's user avatar
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Does the nuclear interaction favour aligned or anti-aligned spins?

My particle physics lecture notes seem to have contradictory statements. Firstly they argue that p-n is stable while p-p and n-n are not because the nuclear interaction favours spin alignment (and by ...
Alex Gower's user avatar
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Does pionium decay in massless QCD?

The bound state of ${\pi}^+ {\pi}^-$ is called Pionium. Is Pionium an Electromagnetic bound state or a Strong Force one? then Why? Does such a bound state last forever if one works in QCD with ...
Bastam Tajik's user avatar
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Is electric potential energy responsible for energy release in nuclear fission and nuclear potential energy in fusion? What if elec. force not exist?

It was my doubt and I thought it may be electric potential energy which is responsible for energy release in nuclear fission and by bombarding neutron we only provide energy to nucleons to cross ...
Manik Singh's user avatar
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Low energy strong coupling asymptotic

The low-energy behavior ($Q^2<\text{1GeV}^2$) of the strong interaction coupling constant predicted by LFHQCD, $\alpha_S = \pi \exp(-Q^2/4\kappa^2) $, where $\kappa=M_\rho/\sqrt{2}$, is in ...
mavzolej's user avatar
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Do the “$SU(3)$ colors” live in a 3-dimensional vector space?

Previously I asked a question about the visualized colors: Do the "colors" live in a 3-dimensional vector space? (My earlier question is unfortunately closed) Now I like to ask the “$SU(3)$ ...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
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How can the graviton spin-2 string have emerged from the strong interaction, mediated by spin-1 gluons?

The origin of string theory can be traced back to 1969: String theory was first studied in the late 1960s as a theory of the strong nuclear force, before being abandoned in favor of quantum ...
Deschele Schilder's user avatar

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