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Parity transformation of the $\pi^{0}\rightarrow\gamma\gamma$ process

I want to prove that the amplitude $$\mathcal{M}^{\mu\nu}=\epsilon^{\mu\nu\alpha\beta}q_{1\alpha}q_{2\beta}$$ is violating parity. Here $q_{i=1,2}$ are the external momenta of the photons. The total ...
Filippo's user avatar
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$ \pi^0\to \gamma\gamma$ parity conservation

Let's consider the decay process $\pi^0\to \gamma \gamma$. After we spontaneously broke the chiral symmetry of QCD coupled to an abelian gauge field $A^\mu$, we end up with the Goldstone boson ...
Alex's user avatar
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Parity violation via symmetry breaking?

(Apologies in advance for a poorly formulated question.) In Physics, if something can be equally well found in state A or state B, but for whatever reason is in state A, we sometimes observe the ...
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Do GUT's really explain parity violation?

Every book on the Standard Model introduces early on the concept of left and right-handed quantum fields, defined as \begin{align} (\psi_L)_{\alpha} = \left(\frac{1-\gamma_5}{2}\right)_{\alpha \beta}\...
user38680's user avatar
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Do the WI coupling constants change sign under $C$?

I am trying to understand discrete symmetries in the SM, and I have some troubles in understanding why the CC interaction violates CP. In my (badly written) notes it's said that, taken two fermonic ...
Filippo's user avatar
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Why is the vacuum state $|0\rangle$ invariant under parity?

I was studying the leptonic pion decay $\pi\rightarrow l\nu_{l}$, and usually the amplitude is computed by $$\mathcal{M}(\pi\rightarrow l\nu_{l})=-i\frac{G_{F}}{\sqrt{2}}V^{*}_{ud}\langle0|\bar{d}\...
Filippo's user avatar
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Does particle parity play any role in matter anti-matter annihilation?

If a left handed electron and a right handed antimatter electron were to meet, would they still annihilate? In the same way, if a left handed electron and a left handed antimatter electron meet, will ...
NonPartisanObservor's user avatar
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$C$-parity in $\pi^0\pi^+\pi^-$ system

I'm studying the conservation of the quantum number in the decay $\omega^0\rightarrow\pi^0\pi^+\pi^-$. Since $P(\omega^0)=-1$ and $P(\pi^0\pi^+\pi^-)=P(\pi^0)P(\pi^+)P(\pi^-)(-1)^{L_{+-}}(-1)^{L_{(+-)...
Abel Gutiérrez's user avatar
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Why do we care about chirality?

I'm trying to figure out what's the importance of chirality in QFT. To me it seems just something mathematical (the eigenvalue of the $\gamma^{5}$ operator ) without any physical insight in it. So my ...
Mathew's user avatar
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Finding $J^{PC}$ for multiparticle final state

Funnily enough, I have a question about an assertion made in one of my own papers (it was made by one of my collaborators, not me). At the bottom of pg. 8 it is stated that ... [T]he final state ...
InertialObserver's user avatar
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Parity and time reversal symmetries in QFT and the Standard Model

The parity transformation $\mathcal{P}$ and the time-reversal transformations $\mathcal{T}$ are defined as follows : \begin{equation} \mathcal{P}= \begin{bmatrix} 1 & & & \\ & -1 &...
xpsf's user avatar
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Parity of Particles

Like charge, spin,etc.. Parity is an intrinsic property of the particle. As I read in Grifith's introduction to elementary particles book , he states parity mathematically but I am not able to see it ...
Sarah 's user avatar
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Higgs boson positive parity, and zero spin

Can we predict the positive parity, and zero spin of the Higgs boson from the decay mode: 𝐻 → 𝛾𝛾
Jason's user avatar
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Parity of neutral leptons

Why we consider Hadrons as the eigenstate of parity operator? In doing so we assign each hadron a quantum no. +1 or -1. What about the parity of leptons, and more specifically parity of neutrino? The ...
Rakesh's user avatar
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Maximal Parity violation in Weak interactions

In 1956 Lee and Yang proposed parity violation of the weak interactions to explain the $\theta-\tau$ puzzle. The following year, 1957, Madam Wu and collaborators found that in the $\beta$ decay of ...
Kevin De Notariis's user avatar

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