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Columns, rows, dotted, undotted, $SL(2, \mathbb{C})$ reps, and building Dirac spinors from Weyl spinors

I'm looking through Introduction to Supersymmetry by Muller-Kirsten and Wiedemann, along with any other resource I can find. I'm specifically trying to understand the concepts and notations for ...
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Sign error when deriving Weyl spinor transformation laws (3.37) in Peskin Schroesder

I am having some trouble deriving the transormation laws for the weyl spinors, equation (3.37) in the Peskin Schroesder book on quantum field theory. Beginning with the relation $\psi\to(1-\frac{i}{2}\...
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Lorentz transformation of Weyl fields

In the Srednicki's textbook, Chapter 35, the author states (Equation 35.28): $$ U(\Lambda)^{-1}[\psi^\dagger \bar\sigma^\mu \chi ] U(\Lambda) = \Lambda^\mu_{\,\,\nu} [\psi^\dagger \bar\sigma^\nu \chi ]...
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Correct transformation of left-handed Weyl spinor

In the book "Matthew D. Schwartz, Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model", page 164, it says that a left-handed spinor transforms as $$\psi_L \rightarrow e^{\frac{1}{2}(i\vec{\theta} - \vec{\...
Thomas's user avatar
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Sign-Conventions for Spinor Transformations

In the literature one encounters a lot of different conventions for how left-handed spinor transforms (rotation angle $\phi$, rapidity $\beta$), among them $M_L = M_{(\frac{1}{2}, 0)} = e^{-i \frac{1}...
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Transformation of the spinor indices of Hermitian $2\times 2$ matrices under the Lorentz group

The left-handed Weyl operator is defined by the $2\times 2$ matrix $$p_{\mu}\bar{\sigma}_{\dot{\beta}\alpha}^{\mu} = \begin{pmatrix} p^0 +p^3 & p^1 - i p^2\\ p^1 + ip^2 & p^0 - p^3 \end{...
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Different definitions of the parity transformation for the Dirac spinors

There are two definitions of the parity transformation acting on the Dirac spinors: $\Psi_P = \eta \gamma^0 \Psi$ with $\eta = i$ ($P^2=-1$ as in Srednicki) and $\eta=1$ ($P^2=+1$ as in Peskin & ...
user114001's user avatar
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Complex conjugation of Weyl Spinors

Let $\chi$ be a left-handed Weyl spinor transforming as $$\delta\chi=\frac{1}{2}\omega_{\mu\nu}\sigma^{\mu\nu}\chi.$$ In my lecture notes it is explicitly stated that complex conjugation interchanges ...
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Index Placement for Spinors in Relativity

This may ultimately be a silly question, but a pedantic mind like mine gets tied into knots over differing notation. (Disclaimer: I'm a mathematician.) Let $\mathbb{W}$ be a complex two-dimensional ...
Brian Klatt's user avatar
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Scalar products in the spinor helicity formalism

In A. Zee's book Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell (2nd edition), Chapter N.2, page 486, the momentum $p$ is written as a $2\times 2$ matrix: $$ p_{\alpha\dot{\alpha}} = p_{\mu} (\sigma^{\mu})_{\...
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