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Questions tagged [spacetime]

Within relativity (both special and general), changes of reference frames can change both the notions of space and of time, with one depending on the other as well. As a consequence, it is necessary to treat both concepts in a unified manner. Hence the term spacetime.

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2 answers

Do we have notion of a proper time for any two timelike separated arbitrary events?

Consider two infinitesimally close, timelike separated but otherwise arbitrary events $P$ and $Q$ with coordinates $(t,\vec{x})$ and $(t+dt,\vec{x}+d\vec{x})$. For example, imagine event $P$ is "...
Solidification's user avatar
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Is time inflating proportionally to space?

We know space is expanding at a rate of roughly 432 miles/light-year/year. Since Einstein showed that time was intrinsically linked into the 4 dimensional structure of spacetime one would logically ...
The Burger King's user avatar
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Terminology: Is it correct to refer to the spacetime interval as "absolute distance?"

...Because it's Lorentz-invariant. Different inertial frames observe different distances, durations, and simultaneity. They even report a different time of day on their wristwatch. But everyone in any ...
Miss Understands's user avatar
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How many null directions are there?

The metric signature of spacetime is usually given as ($3,1$), but spaces can also be ($3,n,1$). Null surfaces include photons and event horizons, which exist, so is $n$ actually $ > 1$ in the ...
Miss Understands's user avatar
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Unidirectionality of Time in Spacetime

I have a question regarding the dimension of time. We all know that an event in spacetime is defined by a point $$ {x}^{u} = (ct, x, y, z) .$$ The only component that breaks the symmetry is $ct$, ...
Julián Oviedo's user avatar
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Curvature of space from approaching gravity sources affecting observations of expansion

Since gravity curves space, I wonder how the locally increasing density of matter and energy due to the current galactic mergers with the Milky Way affects our perception of the universe. Basically, ...
Eric Heitzman's user avatar
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Lorentz transformation of basis vectors in The geometry of Minkowski spacetime by Gregory L. Naber

Gregory L. Naber's book introduces the Lorentz transformation like this: Now let $L :M→M$ be an orthogonal transformation of $M$ and ${e_1, e_2, e_3, e_4}$ an orthonormal basis for M. By Lemma 1.2.3, ...
Zsembes's user avatar
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How does spacetime curve around an object in superposition?

I'm trying to learn quantum mechanics and this is a question that came to mind. I tried searching for it online, but I couldn't find a good answer (or at least one I could understand). From what I ...
maniac's user avatar
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Can momentum exist in a null direction?

CONTEXT (skip to "my question is"): As I understand it, and correct me if I'm wrong, an orbit trades momentum between the X and Y directions. But spacetime can have negative and even null ...
Miss Understands's user avatar
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Could the universe have a form of a $T^3$-torus?

Cosmological measurements suggest that we live in a flat universe. However, what might be less clear is its topology. So could the flat universe have the form of a $T^3$-torus, i.e. the torus whose ...
Frederic Thomas's user avatar
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Do we still not know whether the universe had a beginning? [duplicate]

The Question: According to Prof. Brian Cox in the first 30 seconds of this YouTube video from 4 years ago, we do not know whether the universe had a beginning. Is it still the case that we do not ...
Shaun's user avatar
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What model tells us there is nothing outside the universe?

Is there an existing model or theory that shows there is nothing outside of the universe that interacts with anything inside the universe? Or to put it in other words, is there a model or theory ...
foolishmuse's user avatar
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Does the Existence of Planck Units Suggest Discontinuity in Time and Space? [duplicate]

I’ve posed the following inquiry on Philosophy Stack Exchange: Can the idea of continuity make sense in the real world? A summary of it is presented here: Continuity in mathematics means no jumps or ...
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Keplerian Frequency of Schwarzschild Black hole

The Keplerian frequency/ Orbital frequency is the inverse of orbital period and for Schwarzschild black hole it is given by $$\frac{1}{2\pi}\sqrt{\frac{M}{r^3}}.$$ its unit is Hertz. Now To express ...
zahra's user avatar
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Are gravitons suggested as the cause of matter curving space?

My understand is that GR says that mass curves space but it does not say why or how this occurs. Is the idea of gravitons that they are the entities that actually affect space?
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