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Is the universe closed or flat?

Apparently there is a tension in the measuring of the curvature of the universe ( as apparently in 2018 the Planck collaboration got a series of results consistent ...
vengaq's user avatar
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How do you relate $\Omega_{k}$, the curvature term in the FLRW metric, to the radius of curvature?

I have assumed, for reasons a bit too detailed to go into here, that if $\Omega_{k}$, the curvature term in the FLRW metric, is equal to 1, then the radius of curvature is equal to 13.8 billion light ...
John Hobson's user avatar
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Why are departures from flat spacetime geometry small on scales smaller than the Hubble radius?

In Chapter 5 of Baumann's cosmology book where he discusses structure formation starting from Newtonian perturbation theory, Baumann mentions at the beginning that Newtonian gravity is a good ...
delon's user avatar
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Ricci scalar curvature in FLRW flat universe

I have a simple question about the relation between the Ricci scalar curvature and the $k$ constant in the Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker solution. Assuming $k=0$, such that the space can be ...
Stefano98's user avatar
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Universe flatness

On: It is written: "The exact shape is still a matter of debate in physical cosmology, but experimental data from various independent sources (...
Anto's user avatar
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Confusion about the shape of the universe

From what I understood, a Universe with a positive curvature should behave like a sphere, and light will eventually reach the point where it started. Similarly to a ball, when an ant starts to walk on ...
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Where is the warped throat in Klebanov-Strassler geometry?

In string theory, it is common to work in the Klebanov-Strassler geometry to find AdS and dS vacua. Applications are that anti-branes can be placed at the tip of this deformed/warped conifold to ...
John Greger's user avatar
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Can we have positively curved space within negatively curved spacetime?

Thinking about the universe as a whole. One could imagine that the three spatial dimensions each have the same, say positive, curvature, making space spherical, while time is negatively curved, making ...
John Hobson's user avatar
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Does a positive curvature necessarily indicate the finiteness of the universe?

Imagine the following situation: more and more accurate measurements of the average density of the Universe reveal that it is greater than the critical one, which corresponds to the model of a closed ...
Arman Armenpress's user avatar
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Curvature sign-changing Friedman models

Isotropy and homogeneity of space leads to the spacetime metric of the form $$ ds^2=-dt^2+d\sigma_k^2, $$ where $d\sigma_k^2$ is the metric on one of the standard manifolds (the 3-sphere, Euclidean 3-...
timur's user avatar
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Connection between spatial, temporal, and spacetime curvature?

There is an innumerable quantity of questions and answers on this site about spatial, spacetime, and temporal curvature. None of these answer my question. Unfortunately, many use the terms in ...
Árpád Szendrei's user avatar
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Does the increasing rate of expansion of the universe have any implication on or alter the curvature of the universe?

I'm not really knowledgeable on physics but was curious about this and couldn't find any good answers related to it.
VeritasK's user avatar
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Measuring the Hubble constant in a curved universe

In an article from the University of Chicago, July 17, 2020, it is stated that "Judging cosmic distances from Earth is hard. So instead, scientists measure the angle in the sky between two ...
S. McGrew's user avatar
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Curved spacetime and geodesics

Is it right to take in account that the Universe might be similar to the Earth regarding curvature so when we look at two galaxies equidistant to Earth but at a right angle observed from Earth their ...
jbradvi9's user avatar
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Curvature of spacetime in Friedman cosmological models

Short version of my question is as follows: What is curvature of spacetime (rather than space) in Friedman cosmological models? Now the long version, including evolution of my thoughts and background ...
Leos Ondra's user avatar
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