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Questions tagged [signal-processing]

The subfield of electrical engineering that focusses on analysing, modifying, and synthesizing signals such as sound, images, and scientific measurements.

1 vote
3 answers

Electronic filter

Can you explain, please, step-by-step how an electronic filter does work? For example, high pass filter. I know It's a trivial things, but I can't get it completely. Don't bring me formula and etc. ...
greensher's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What creates the differences between the two channels of a stereophonic signal?

Given two identical microphones arranged in an ideal XY pattern, recording a single sound source at equal distance from both capsules, the two signals obtained are equal in amplitude, perfectly in ...
Madison Brown's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Magnitude of the Fourier Transform of White Noise

Say you have two white noise signals with different variation amplitudes A1 and A2 as shown in this beautiful Excel graph: Ignoring the DC offset as it's been represented here, how do you relate the ...
Ned Yoxall's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Frequency of a periodic signal with distortions

I would like to evaluate frequency of some unstable periodic signal coming from a detector: The signal is registered continuously and may or may not be present (i.e. be periodic). The frequency and ...
Andy's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How would one generate Brownian light? What would it look like?

When light is an equal mix of all visible frequencies, we call it white light. By analogy, sound that is a mix of all audible frequencies is called white noise. For sound, there is an additional ...
Terry Bollinger's user avatar
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3 answers

What information is stored on gramaphones/tape recorders/CDs/DVDs

I'm a Software Developer by profession and my physics knowledge is limited what I had learned at high school level. Please excuse me if the question is trivial. Question: From what I know, a sound ...
Gopal's user avatar
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Effect of Background Radiation on a Transmitted Signal

I'm coding a basic simulation of using error correcting codes to transmit data from a satellite back to earth. I'm not sure what to set the "noise level" to. Let's say a satellite orbiting Mars ...
Sam Kennedy's user avatar
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5 answers

Normal distribution of x, xdot [closed]

I have some real measurements from a process and I happened to look at the mutual distribution of (x(t), xdot(t)). I found that they seem to follow 2d normal distribution around (mu, 0). See image, ...
Uri Cohen's user avatar
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2 answers

Noise amplitude increases as sample rate increase

I am testing the material properties of some very low stiffness materials. I'm using a force probe connected to software, sensing at about a hundredth of a gram of force. Now, what's interesting is ...
SimaPro's user avatar
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1 answer

Signal-to-noise ratio of the difference between two signals

Something tells me this must be a fairly simple question, but I have somehow been unable to find an answer to it. In short: I need to calculate the difference between two signals, A and B, each one of ...
plok's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How to distinguish female and male voices via Fourier analysis?

What makes one, without looking, be able to identify the gender of the talker as male or female? I mean if we Fourier analysed the voice of males and females, how the 2 spectrums are different which ...
Revo's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is the observed signal the convolution of the true signal with the instrumental function?

Imagine we are observing a star. The light coming from a star enters an optical instrument that will give us some observed data, such as the spectrum of light say. What we observe is not the true ...
Revo's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Can Laplace's equation be solved using Fourier transform instead of Fourier series?

Sorry for the long text, but I am unable to make my question more compact. Any periodic function can be Fourier expanded. Usually, they say in mathematical physics books, if the function is not ...
Revo's user avatar
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6 votes
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Multiple channels of information in single electromagnetic wave?

I'm trying to understand how can multiple radio stations transmit information just by transmitting using different frequency. The way I understand it all those different frequency waves add up to a ...
Rytis's user avatar
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Products of Gaussian stochastic process variables

In the classic experimental physics text "Statistical Theory of Signal Detection" by Carl. W. Helstrom, Chapter II, section 4 concerns Gaussian Stochastic Processes. Such a process is observed at ...
Carl Brannen's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

How Earth communicates with Voyager I?

After taking a basic signals & systems class and learning about the frequency domain, I started wondering: How the heck do scientists still communicate with Voyagers I and II??   Do they send/...
user541686's user avatar
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2 answers

Simulating eye diagrams

I'm trying to figure out how to simulate eye diagrams for communications systems using Python. I'm not sure I have the theory down completely, though. From what I could figure out using some old ...
bheklilr's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Autocorrelation of sound in liquids vs gas

This is just a curiosity and you need to bear with me as my math skills were always sub-par and so is my English academic language. My specialty is Electronics but I have always been a programmer. ...
brainwash's user avatar
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Loss of Power at high frequencies

One of my work colleagues told me that a cable he is sending a signal through is losing power at high frequencies. So he recommends the signal should be amplified before being sent. The explanation ...
Atreys's user avatar
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1 vote
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Amplitude of power spectral density

Why is the amplitude of the Power spectral density higher for shorter period of time as compared to a longer period of time when calculated for any vibration data?
Dilip's user avatar
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How does phase modulation conspire to eliminate power variations?

A purely phase-modulated signal has no power modulation. This is obvious enough if you look at the time series, but I'd like to "see" it in the frequency domain. In physical terms, if we take a ...
nibot's user avatar
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12 votes
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Can the Kramers–Kronig relation be used to correct transfer function measurements?

In experimental physics, we often make measurements of linear transfer functions; these are complex-valued functions of frequency. If the underlying system is causal, then the transfer function must ...
nibot's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Why is the bispectrum not commonly used in experimental physics?

Power spectra, coherence spectra, and linear transfer functions are ubiquitous tools of experimental physics. However, our instruments often retain small nonlinear effects which can contaminate ...
nibot's user avatar
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