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Canonical commutation relation in QFT

The canonical commutation relation in QFT with say one (non-free) scalar real field $\phi$ is $$[\phi(\vec x,t),\dot \phi(\vec y,t)]=i\hbar\delta^{(3)}(\vec x-\vec y).$$ Is this equation satisfied by ...
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Renormalization of the composite operator $\exp(\phi(x))$

I'd like to calculate $\langle\Omega|\exp(\phi(x))|\Omega\rangle$ for quartic scalar field theory (where $|\Omega\rangle$ is the interacting vacuum) and then renormalize to first order in the coupling ...
Jack's user avatar
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How do we know at the operator-level that the tadpole $\langle\Omega|\phi(x)|\Omega\rangle=0$ vanishes in scalar $\phi^4$ theory?

I'm a mathematician slowly trying to teach myself quantum field theory. To test my understanding, I'm trying to tell myself the whole story from a Lagrangian to scattering amplitudes for scalar $\phi^...
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Peskin & Schroeder equation (7.2)

I found this completeness relation of momentum eigenstate $|\lambda_p\rangle$ Here $|\Omega\rangle$ is the vacuum, and $|\lambda_p\rangle$ represents the state with one particle labeled by $\lambda$ ...
FIA's user avatar
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Can a relevant operator's OPE with itself only include the identity and irrelevant operators?

I am interested in correlation functions in critical spin chains, and I'm trying to understand the consequences of conformal field theory for these correlation functions. I should warn that I do not ...
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How to build up the creation/anihilation operators in Numerical Renormalization group?

Let's define a simple 1D linear tight-binding model (no matter that NRG is trivial here or even fails, this is just an simple example to illustrate my point) $$H = \sum t_j \hat{c}^\dagger_{j}\hat{c}_{...
Qwertuy's user avatar
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2-loop correction to renormalized operator in $\phi^4$

I have a particular question with respect to renormalized operators of $\phi^4$ theory, namely the mass operator $\phi^2$ but at two-loop order. With respect to Peskin and Schroeder's text, chapter 12,...
MathZilla's user avatar
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Normal ordering in Sine-Gordon model [duplicate]

I am studying Bosonization from Giamarchi's book (Quantum Physics in 1D), in Appendix E while doing RG analysis at second order he says (Eq. E.18) that we can NOT expand cosine directly because field $...
Barry's user avatar
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Renormalization of quark bilinears

I'm looking at the one-loop corrections to the amputated quark two-point functions ($\Gamma_i$) with insertions of quark bilinears (indexed by $i\in\{S,P,V,A,T\}$) with off-shell legs in Euclidean QCD....
y9QQ's user avatar
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Energy-momentum tensor normal ordering in Polchinski

In Volume 1 of Polchinski's String Theory book, the author works with energy--momentum tensor of CFTs till chapter 3 in a normal ordered mode, i.e. $T(z)= : \text{something}: (z)$. However, in ...
Генивалдо's user avatar
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When should UV regulators be removed?

I have been working in QFT for a few years now, and I cannot believe I've never come across this problem. When considering an effective field theory, the allowed operators mix under renormalization: $$...
y9QQ's user avatar
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Are non-covariant Schwinger terms related to the renormalization of composite operators?

In Section 5.5 of Duncan's The Conceptual Framework of Quantum Field Theory, he shows that theories that are not ultra-local has Schwinger terms: $$ [\mathcal H_\text{int}(\mathbf x_1,t),\mathcal H_\...
chaostang's user avatar
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QFT: Normal Ordering Interaction Hamiltonian Before Using Wick's Theorem

It has recently come to my attention, though reading the notes of a course on QFT that I've started, that there seems to be an "ambiguity" in, or at least two distinct ways of, calculating ...
tomdodd4598's user avatar
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In the derivation of LSZ formula, why do we need $\langle k| \phi(0)|0 \rangle =1$? (Srednicki's book)

In the section 5 of the book, it says The LSZ formula is valid provided that the field obeys $$\langle 0|\phi(x)|0\rangle=0, \langle k|\phi(x)|0\rangle=1.$$ The second one is needed to ensure one-...
Sven2009's user avatar
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Renormalization of non-local product of operators

In Unraveling hadron structure with generalized parton distributions by Belitsky and Radyushkin, appendix G, eq. (G.47) it is said that for renormalization of an on-local product of operators such as ...
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