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Path integral at large time

From the path integral of a QFT: $$Z=\int D\phi e^{-S[\phi]}$$ What is a nice argument to say that when we study the theory at large time $T$, this behaves as: $$ Z \to e^{-TE_0} $$ where $E_0$ is the ...
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How is Wick rotation an analytic continuation?

Wick rotation is formally described by the transformation $$t \mapsto it.$$ In many place it is stated more rigorously as an analytic continuation into imaginary time. I understand why we do it but ...
CBBAM's user avatar
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Examples of Path integral $\neq$ Partition function?

Are there any systems we know of whose partition function is not simply Wick rotation of the path integral? Does anyone know of any examples?
Dr. user44690's user avatar
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How can we use saddle point approximation for a bounce solution which is not even a strict local minimum of the Euclidean action?

In calculating the false vacuum decay, the main contribution to the imaginary energy part of the Euclidean path integral comes from the bounce solution. And we somehow apply saddle point approximation ...
Bababeluma's user avatar
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Is the Euclidean generating functional $Z_{E}[J]$ identified with original Minkowskian generating functional $Z[J]$?

In quantum field theory, it is common to perform wick rotation $t\rightarrow -i\tau$ and get Euclidean generating functional $Z_{E}[J]$. When I first studied QFT, I just saw this a magic trick to ...
user35734's user avatar
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Path Integral for Unruh Effect

In derivation of Unruh effect, according to arxiv 2108.09188, we have $$ \langle\phi_L|\exp(-\pi H)|\phi_R\rangle=\int_{\phi=\phi_R}^{\phi=\phi_L} D\phi e^{-S_E}\propto \int_{lower\space half\space ...
gshxd's user avatar
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Correlators on the Euclidean section of a black hole

In the standard construction of the Euclidean section of a Schwarzschild black hole, we start with the exterior metric in Schwarzschild coordinates: $$\tag{1} ds^2 = -(1-r_s/r)dt^2 + (1-r_s/r)^{-1}dr^...
nodumbquestions's user avatar
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Can the QFT path integral be re-expressed using a real, positive-definite function of the action? [duplicate]

This question is based on my rather shaky grasp of QFT, so if I'm missing a key concept then just let me know! If you're deriving the Schrodinger equation from the path integral as Feynman did, then ...
Adam Herbst's user avatar
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Why is the Vacuum state got by a limit to imaginary time?

Given a (non-relativistic) propagator $K_t(A,B)$ giving the 'conditional amplitude' to go from state $B$ to state $A$ in time $t$, it is known that one can find the vacuum wavfunction by (independent ...
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Schwinger-Keldysh contour and $i\epsilon$ prescription

In Tom Hartman's notes on path integrals, he describes the Schwinger-Keldysh (or "in-in") formalism for calculating vacuum correlators in QFT. He explains that Lorentzian time-ordered vacuum ...
nodumbquestions's user avatar
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Does a $d$-dimensional stat-mech theory necessarily have a $(d-1)$-dimensional quantum theory equivalence?

A $d$-dimensional stat-mech theory on a lattice usually can be represented by a $d$-dimensional tensor network. Taking a row/slice of tensors ($M$ tensors or sites) as the transfer matrix (MPO in 2$d$ ...'s user avatar
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Do the Ward identities contain contact terms in Euclidean QFT?

In derivations of the Ward identities, I have never seen the signature of spacetime explicitly specified, so I'd always assumed they hold regardless of signature. However, the argument below seems to ...
nodumbquestions's user avatar
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Quantum to classical mapping

I'm having troubles understanding precisely how the mapping from a quantum system to a classical one works. Let's say that I have a quantum system in $d$ dimensions with Hamiltonian $H$ at temperature ...
Mathew's user avatar
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How does the $+i\varepsilon$ prescription in the propagator comes from analytic continuation of the Euclidean 2-point function?

Let $S_0[\phi]$ be the action for a real Klein-Gordon field $$S_0[\phi]=\dfrac{1}{2}\int d^Dx \phi(x)(\Box-m^2)\phi(x)\tag{1}.$$ If we try to construct the generating functional $Z_0[j]$ we find that ...
Gold's user avatar
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In QFT, why are the vacuum partition function and the zero-temperature imaginary-time partition function the same?

When doing thermal field theory, one can start with the definition of the (thermal) partition function $Z = Tr[e^{-\beta H}]$, and inserting a number of completness-relations, we can arrive at (I am ...
Martin Johnsrud's user avatar

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