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Lorentz transformation of Creation and Annihilation operators for a real scalar field theory - MIT OCW QFT I Problem set 3 [closed]

I have been working through the MIT OCW's QFT lecture notes and problem sets, but I have come to realize that I have a fundamental misunderstanding of what is meant by how objects transform under ...
Nicolas Mendoza's user avatar
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Why the symmetry of $\phi^4$ excludes the odd diagams?

I have a follow-up question from this post: Suppose $$ L\supset \lambda\phi^4 $$ This term is invariant under $\phi\rightarrow-\phi$, Peskin and Schroeder (p.323) said this implies that all amplitudes ...
IGY's user avatar
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Translation invariance in QFT

In P&S's QFT book, page 213, the book considered Heisenberg operator's translation under General interacting field: $$ \begin{aligned} \left\langle\Omega|\phi(x)| \lambda_{\mathbf{p}}\right\rangle ...
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Field exchange symmetry

I have a pheraps stupid doubt regarding the existence of a symmetry. Consider a theory such as: $$\mathcal{L}= \frac{1}{2}(\partial_\mu\phi)^2+\frac{1}{2}(\partial_\mu\psi)^2+\phi^2\psi^2$$ With some ...
Fra's user avatar
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Spontaneous symmetry breaking, massless bosons and the equations of motion

I am currently studying spontaneous symmetry breaking, and I don't entirely understand the implications of what we are doing at certain places. Consider the standard complex scalar field with the $\...
r_phys's user avatar
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Symmetry breaking for 4 scalar fields

So I've been trying to get familiar with concept of symmetry breaking with minimal experience with field theory and I've got stuck on, I think, a simple problem. Let's consider four scalar fields $\...
Ream's user avatar
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Spontaneous symmetry breaking and conservation laws revisited

Crystalline solids spontaneous break the continuous translational and rotational symmetries. According to this lecture by Steven Kivelson, this means that conservation laws such as momentum and ...
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What is the difference between local and global symmetries in terms of properties of the particle spectrum?

I know that a global symmetry implies the presence of a conserved charge but how it does affect the particle spectrum? and in this sense what is the difference with a gauge symmetry?
Anna's user avatar
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What causes the evasion of the Goldstone theorem here?

For simplicity, I'll consider perhaps the simplest possible example of a gauge theory. Consider a spontaneously broken ${\rm U(1)}$ gauge theory of a charged scalar field coupled to the ...
SRS's user avatar
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Vacuum Manifold of $U(1)$ theory and Goldstone theorem

I want to know if my understanding of the Goldstone theorem is correct. What I know is that the number of Goldstone is equal to the rank of $G/H$ where $G$ is the symmetry of the Lagrangian before ...
user239970's user avatar
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Trivial vs nontrivial TQFT

This question is inspired by Examples of "gauging a global symmetry" and answer to that question. I list main statements from answer: 1) We start from free scalar field $\phi$ in d+1 ...
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Symmetry of theory on static electric field background

Let's consider complex scalar field in static homogeneous background electric field $E_z = E = const$, or in terms of vector potential $A_z = -Et$ or in another gauge $A_0 = -Ez$. Without electric ...
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Parity Invariance Complex Scalar Field Lagrangian

I am trying to prove the parity invariance of some terms in a complex scalar field Lagrangian, for example $m^2 \; \phi^* \phi$ or $\partial_{\mu} \phi \;\partial^{\mu} \phi^*$. So what I want to ...
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Shift symmetry and vacuum expectation values

I have come across theories with a Nambu-Goldstone boson $\phi$ originating from a broken $U(1)$ symmetry where there is a leftover shift symmetry $\phi \rightarrow \phi + \alpha$ (and possibly other ...
Rudyard's user avatar
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Action of 1-form symmetry in Maxwell theory

I am reading Lectures on Gauge Theory by David Tong. In 3.6.2 first example that the author talk about pure $U(1)$ gauge theory in 4D. In this example, he talk about two 1-form symmetries: 1) ...
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