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Canonical commutation relation in QFT

The canonical commutation relation in QFT with say one (non-free) scalar real field $\phi$ is $$[\phi(\vec x,t),\dot \phi(\vec y,t)]=i\hbar\delta^{(3)}(\vec x-\vec y).$$ Is this equation satisfied by ...
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Renormalization of the composite operator $\exp(\phi(x))$

I'd like to calculate $\langle\Omega|\exp(\phi(x))|\Omega\rangle$ for quartic scalar field theory (where $|\Omega\rangle$ is the interacting vacuum) and then renormalize to first order in the coupling ...
Jack's user avatar
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How do we know at the operator-level that the tadpole $\langle\Omega|\phi(x)|\Omega\rangle=0$ vanishes in scalar $\phi^4$ theory?

I'm a mathematician slowly trying to teach myself quantum field theory. To test my understanding, I'm trying to tell myself the whole story from a Lagrangian to scattering amplitudes for scalar $\phi^...
Nicolas Ford's user avatar
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Peskin & Schroeder equation (7.2)

I found this completeness relation of momentum eigenstate $|\lambda_p\rangle$ Here $|\Omega\rangle$ is the vacuum, and $|\lambda_p\rangle$ represents the state with one particle labeled by $\lambda$ ...
FIA's user avatar
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2-loop correction to renormalized operator in $\phi^4$

I have a particular question with respect to renormalized operators of $\phi^4$ theory, namely the mass operator $\phi^2$ but at two-loop order. With respect to Peskin and Schroeder's text, chapter 12,...
MathZilla's user avatar
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Normal ordering in Sine-Gordon model [duplicate]

I am studying Bosonization from Giamarchi's book (Quantum Physics in 1D), in Appendix E while doing RG analysis at second order he says (Eq. E.18) that we can NOT expand cosine directly because field $...
Barry's user avatar
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Are non-covariant Schwinger terms related to the renormalization of composite operators?

In Section 5.5 of Duncan's The Conceptual Framework of Quantum Field Theory, he shows that theories that are not ultra-local has Schwinger terms: $$ [\mathcal H_\text{int}(\mathbf x_1,t),\mathcal H_\...
chaostang's user avatar
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QFT: Normal Ordering Interaction Hamiltonian Before Using Wick's Theorem

It has recently come to my attention, though reading the notes of a course on QFT that I've started, that there seems to be an "ambiguity" in, or at least two distinct ways of, calculating ...
tomdodd4598's user avatar
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In the derivation of LSZ formula, why do we need $\langle k| \phi(0)|0 \rangle =1$? (Srednicki's book)

In the section 5 of the book, it says The LSZ formula is valid provided that the field obeys $$\langle 0|\phi(x)|0\rangle=0, \langle k|\phi(x)|0\rangle=1.$$ The second one is needed to ensure one-...
Sven2009's user avatar
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Renormalization of non-local product of operators

In Unraveling hadron structure with generalized parton distributions by Belitsky and Radyushkin, appendix G, eq. (G.47) it is said that for renormalization of an on-local product of operators such as ...
Vicky's user avatar
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Operator mixing in dimensional regularization of EFTs

When renormalizing "non-renormalizable" operators within an effective field theory (EFT) one usually has to introduce additional (higher-dimensional) operators to the Lagrangian which act as ...
Katermickie's user avatar
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Background field method for QED

I want to evaluate the 1-loop beta function for massless QED using background field method. This is my trying. First we separate the gauge field into $$A_\mu(x)=\bar{A}_\mu(x)+\delta A_\mu(x)$$ \begin{...
thone's user avatar
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Interpretation of renormalisation of composite operators

The notion of renormalization is probably one of the most difficult to understand and bizarre properties of the QFT. As for the renormalisation of couplings it ...
spiridon_the_sun_rotator's user avatar
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Do vacuum bubbles exist in theories with normal ordered Hamiltonian? [duplicate]

When we calculate the Hamiltonian in the free theory, we notice that it contains an infinitely large term \begin{align} H &= \int_V \mathrm{d }k^3 \frac{\omega_k}{(2\pi)^3 } a^\dagger(\vec ...
jak's user avatar
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Normal ordering in path integral of QFT

In QFT, we use normal ordering to eliminate infinity from hamiltonian. In path integral formulation of QFT though, since what we integrate over is "classical field configuration", instead of operators,...
Brion Brion's user avatar

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