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Questions tagged [oceanography]

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Geocentrism and annual tide variation

I have read that in the before common era, Seleucus of Seleucia have studied tides and probably used annual variation as an evidence of heliocentric. However, tides are known to be affected by ...
mohamed's user avatar
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How can tides even of miniscule magnitude occur in inland lakes?

Ocean water is flexible enough to allow water from each side of low tide to flow to the sides of high tide. So for a high tide, there must be a low tide somewhere else from where water is drawn out. ...
Curiosity's user avatar
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Does the minimum connection time of ocean surface currents depend on the patch scale?

The Nature paper "The timescales of global surface-ocean connectivity" attempts to model "minimum connectivity times (Min-T), or distances based on the fastest times that particles can ...
tparker's user avatar
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Tides in lakes attached to the ocean

This is research for a book I am writing and I strongly suspect the answer is no, however I can not quite get Google to spit out a direct answer. :-) If you have a lake, attached directly to the ocean ...
Ken's user avatar
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How does the Coriolis effect explain Ekman transport?

Before answering the question, keep in mind that I am a second year Biology student, with no experience in studying Physics and a very basic understanding of Mathematics. Thus, I would prefer a ...
Growing6884's user avatar
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Is there a formula for finding pressure as a function of depth in the ocean?

It is well known that one can find the pressure in a static fluid as a function of height using the well-known formula for hydrostatic equilibrium $$\frac{\mathrm{d}P}{\mathrm{d}z}=-\rho g, \tag 1$$ ...
Don Al's user avatar
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Timescale for unstable stratification to resolve itself

The ocean is typically vertically stratified, that is the deeper you go the higher the density should be. This can be because of increased salinity or decreased temperature. If that is not the case ...
Mathieu Dutour Sikiric's user avatar
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How does nitrogen narcosis occur?

I'm confused as to how the partial pressure of nitrogen inhaled from an air tank while scuba diving increases as you descend deeper. Obviously the pressure of the water above you increases the deeper ...
Elhammo's user avatar
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How does the partial pressure of oxygen relate to its concentration in water?

I've read that the partial pressure of oxygen in water will be the same as the partial pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere, but that the saturation of oxygen in water is dependent on factors like ...
Elhammo's user avatar
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How can I determine the total energy and power provided by an ocean wave when it reaches shore?

When an ocean wave travels to the shoreline and breaks, how much energy is released? I did some research on finding out a formula to calculate how much energy is stored and then released by ocean ...
ARJ's user avatar
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How long do geostrophic currents last?

My professor posed this question, without any relevant material. I suppose the currents last until the density gradient is neutralized, but I can't find any literature nor articles on this, regarding ...
a Ljeonjko's user avatar
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Would gas inside of non-compressible material be affected by pressure in the deep ocean? [duplicate]

I was thinking about the pressure of the deep ocean and was curious if gasses inside of a non-compressible container would experience the extreme pressures associated with great depth. I'm sort of ...
Kodiakflds's user avatar
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How many waves are in the ocean? [closed]

XKCD #2741 mentions in the title text It's cool how, when there's a number lots of people are curious about, but which isn't easy to measure, some random guess will get cited everywhere and become ...
Jacob Manaker's user avatar
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How to calculate actual ocean water height, taking into account both tides and weather?

Tide tables are useful starting points for tides-- whcih are arguably the dominant first-order effect in water depth changes. However, a not-to-distant second-order effect is the weather. Wind will ...
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Ideal Turbulence

I'm studying the turbulence in ocean and i started to study a mathematic introduction of turbulence. We define $ R_{ij}(\underline{x},\underline{r},t) := \overline{u_i(\underline{x},t)u_j(\underline{x}...
Revzora's user avatar
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