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Lorentz invariance (LI) of time ordering operation

At Srednicki after eq. (4.10), we have a discussion about that the time ordering operation. Have to be frame inv. I.e it has to be LI. He wrote that for timelike separation we don't have to worry ...
Alon Buzaglo Shoub's user avatar
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Well-definedness of commutation relation in commuting local Hamiltonians

I'm reading the famous paper by Haah: Local stabilizer codes in three dimensions without string logical operators. In the last sentence of the introduction, he wrote: A logical operator is a Pauli ...
Waterfall's user avatar
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How do Lieb-Robinson Bounds talk about locality without the position operator?

So we know when one goes from QM to QFT Lieb Robinson bounds become micro causality. But micro causality is a statement on the commutators assuming they are space-like, time-like or light-like. ...
More Anonymous's user avatar
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Why Locality meant jointly observable?

Tobias Osborne's lecture around 20:00, he mentioned that the ideal of "Locality" could be expressed as such If $x-y$ were space-like, then for all observable $A_{j,x}$ and $A_{k,y}$ were ...
ShoutOutAndCalculate's user avatar
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Particle picture in position space in quantum field theory

When I operate $a^{\dagger}_k$ on vacuum, $|0\rangle$, I get a particle created in momentum space with a 4-momentum equal to $(\omega_k, \vec{k})$ where $\omega_k=\sqrt{m^2+\vec{k}^2}$ here I'm only ...
aitfel's user avatar
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Is the vanishing commutator of observables outside the light cone only a necessary or also a sufficient condition for causality?

The equal-time commutator of observables in QFT has to vanish outside the light cone in order to ensure causality. Mathematically spoken, $[ \bar{\psi}(x)\Gamma_1\psi(x),\bar{\psi}(y)\Gamma_2\psi(y)]|...
Thomas's user avatar
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Does Microcausality follow from Lorentz Invariance?

In a Lorentz Invariant theory, does microcausality automatically hold? In a free theory this is obvious. In an interacting theory I found some 'proof's in this paper: ...
Nirmalya Kajuri's user avatar
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Commutation relations in QFT and the principle of locality

My question is, given two space-time points $x^{\mu}$ and $y^{\mu}$, if the events that occur at these points are simultaneous, i.e. $x^{0}=y^{0}$, are the two events necessarily space-like separated? ...
Will's user avatar
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QFT basics for Klein-Gordon fields

I am teaching myself QFT from Peskin for next years maths course and I have two questions: What is a c-number? Is it a complex number, and if so why does it mean, $[\hat{\phi}(x),\hat{\phi}(y)]~=~<...
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Theories with non-vanishing commutators outside the lightcone

I'm reading Weinberg's new book on Quantum Mechanics, and in Chapter 8.7 "Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory" he derives the usual Dyson series for the $S$ matrix when the interaction Hamiltonian $V_I(...
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