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Spin connection equations of motion from Einstein-Palatini action

I am working through "Supergravity" from Freedman and Van Proeyen. In exercise 8.11 one is tasked to vary the Einstein-Palatini action $$ S = \frac{1}{2\kappa^2}\int d^Dx\ e e^\mu{}_a e^\nu{}...
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Variation of Maxwell action with respect to the vierbein - Einstein-Cartan Theory

I'm using the reference "Differential Geometry, Gauge Theories and Gravity" by M. Göckeler and T. Schücker and I am having trouble to vary correctly the lagrangian $$ \mathcal{L}_M=\dfrac{1}{2g^2}F \...
Gabriel Luz Almeida's user avatar
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Effective lagrangian in minisuperspace

I am driving the paper ( as part of my research project, i have some problems to obtain the effective Lagrangian for Einstein Hilbert action the eq.(4). If any one ...
Mehdi's user avatar
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Derivation of equations of motion in Nordstrom's theory of scalar gravity?

Nordstrom's theory of a particle moving in the presence of a scalar field $\varphi (x)$ is given by $$ S = -m\int e^{\varphi (x)}\sqrt{\eta_{\alpha \beta}\frac{dx^{\alpha}}{d \lambda}\frac{dx^{\beta}}{...
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