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Field strength tensor written as commutator of covariant derivatives in QED

I am currently trying to understand the derivation of the relation $$ \begin{equation} F_{\mu\nu} = \frac{1}{iq}[D_{\mu}, D_{\nu}]\tag{1}\label{eq1} \end{equation} $$ in QED and I have trouble with ...
Hunic99's user avatar
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Causality for gauge dependent operators in quantum field theories

Suppose that $\mathcal{A}_{ij...}(x)$ and $\mathcal{B}_{ij...}( x')$ are two gauge dependent (so non-observable) operator in some theory. If they are spacelike, should I impose the causality ...
Ervand's user avatar
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Commutation in the Local Gauge Transformations

Let's say that I have a Unitary Local Gauge Transformation $U$, in which the Lie Generators are $T$: $$ \partial_{\mu} U = \partial_{\mu} e^{-i T^{a} \alpha_{a}(x)} = U \partial_{\mu} \left( -i T^{a} \...
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Quantizing the electric field without quantizing vector potential

I am trying to quantize the electromagnetic field, without using the vector potential. I start with a Fourier expansion: $$\begin{equation} \vec{E}(\vec{r},t) = \sum_{\epsilon} \vec{\epsilon} \int \...
Sidd's user avatar
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Dressing an operator by Wilson line in Quantum Electrodynamic

I am reading a paper arXiv:1507.07921 which introduce gravitational dressing. The paper compare it to dressing in QED. Consider the scalar QED lagrangian $$\mathcal{L}=-\frac{1}{4}(F^{\mu\nu})^2-|D_\...
gshxd's user avatar
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Field Strength Tensor as Commutator [duplicate]

I'm studying QFT and am confused on the field strength tensor for some quantum field. I've seen the tensor written as the commutator of the covariant derivative $$-igF_{\mu\nu}=[D_\mu, D_\nu].$$ Is ...
moboDawn_φ's user avatar
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Matrix representation for Gupta-Bleuler creation/annihilation operators

I am wondering what would be the closest analogue of the matrix representation for the creation and annihilation operators arising in Gupta-Bleuler formalism, which are defined by $$ [a,a^\dagger] = -...
mavzolej's user avatar
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Commutator of gauge field and the scalar field in the Stueckelberg Lagrangian with gauge-fixing terms

I was trying to add a gauge fixing term to Stueckelberg Lagrangian and cancel the mixing term between scalar $\chi$ field and vector $A_\mu$ field. $${\cal L}_{Stueckelberg} = -\frac{1}{4}V_{\mu\nu}V^{...
Kaan Güven's user avatar
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Commutator between covariant derivative and a field

I have field as an element of a Lie algebra as $\Phi = \phi^at^a$ and I want to calculate the commutator $$[D_{\mu}, \Phi],$$ with $$D_{\mu} = \partial_{\mu} + igA^a_{\mu}t^a,$$ the covariant ...
zequi's user avatar
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How are these Covariant Derivative Identities found?

In David Tong's Gauge Theory notes on page 137 near eq. (3.30) he makes use of the following expressions for the covariant derivative $D_{\mu}$ $$\frac{1}{2}[\gamma^{\mu},\gamma^{\nu}]D_{\mu}D_{\nu}=\...
Mouaz Chikhani's user avatar
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Commutation relations in quantised Yang-Mills

Consider Yang-Mills theory with gauge group $G$. Let $\{T^a\}$ be a basis for the Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$, so that the connection coefficients can be written as $A_\mu = A_\mu^aT^a$. In the ...
nodumbquestions's user avatar
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Trace of commutators with flavor indices

I want to explicitly write out the Lagrangian term $$\operatorname{Tr}\bigg( \sum_{I\neq J}[\phi^I,\phi^J]^2\bigg) ,$$ where $I,J$ are flavor indices and $\phi$ is a scalar field. Why doesn't this ...
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Commutators of covariant derivative and Yang-Mills Field Strength in curved spacetime

I am stuck with YM Field Strength and commutator. For example, in flat spacetime we have the commutator $$F_{\mu \nu}=[\partial_{\mu}+A_{\mu},\partial_{\nu}+A_{\nu}] .$$ But what is the thing in ...
Sven2009's user avatar
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Integral eigenvalues in compact rank-2 symmetric $U(1)$ gauge theory

I am reading a paper related to rank-2 symmetric $U(1)$ gauge theory: Fracton topological order from the Higgs and partial-confinement mechanisms of rank-two gauge theory (or arXiv:1802.10108). My ...
Waterfall's user avatar
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Commutation relations in Gupta-Bleuler quantization

Quantization of the free electro-magnetic field has essential differences in comparison to quantization of say scalar or massive vector fields. In fact there are different approches to it. One of ...
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