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Questions tagged [electromagnetism]

The classical theory of electric and magnetic fields, both in the static and dynamic case. It also covers general questions about magnets, electric attraction/repulsion, etc. Distinct from electrical-engineering.

5 votes
2 answers

Dynamic ferrofluid sculptures [duplicate] What exactly is going on in the video example? I understand the phenomena occurs because of magnetism but I am trying to figure out the mechanics behind ...
6 votes
1 answer

What is the pressure between two electric dipole sheets of finite extent?

I have recently become curious about modeling the repulsion of everyday objects in contact with one another. By repulsion I mean as you attempt to walk through a wall, the pain in your nose suddenly ...
7 votes
2 answers

Why is the ground state of the ferromagnetic tetrahedron threefold degenerate?

I'm preparing a presentation on Spin-Ice, but something's been bugging me for a while. On the Wikipedia page for Geometrical Frustration, it says the following about easy spins on a tetrahedron with ...
8 votes
2 answers

Navy's new Mach 7 Rail Gun Photo

There have been a few articles about the Navy's new Mach 7 33 Megajoule railgun. As a physics teacher, I have a couple of questions about this, and was hoping for some help. Is the kinetic energy of ...
7 votes
2 answers

Notation for Sections of Vector Bundles

(Reformulation of part 1 of Electromagnetic Field as a Connection in a Vector Bundle) I am looking for a good notation for sections of vector bundles that is both invariant and references bundle ...
7 votes
2 answers

What does an atom radiate: a wave packet or a single photon?

What does an atom radiate: a wave packet or a single photon?
2 votes
1 answer

Current from induced emf

If the induced emf in a circuit is negative, and current from this emf is the emf over the resistance, what happens to the negative sign in the induced emf when solving for the current? Surely there's ...
2 votes
2 answers

Creation of the Electromagnetic Spectrum [closed]

After seeing this image: And reading this: "The long wavelength limit is the size of the universe itself, while it is thought that the ...
2 votes
2 answers

Utility of displacements potentials in geophysics

In the elasticity theory, you can derive a wave equation from the fundamental equation of motion for an elastic linear homogeneous isotropic medium: $\rho \partial^2_t \overline{u} = \mu \nabla^2 \...
0 votes
1 answer

Heim Theory and FTL [closed]

Years ago there was some hype around a theory that would supposedly allow for FTL. But I have since heard nothing of this. Is anything happening with the theory? How would a magnetic field allow us ...
6 votes
2 answers

Alkali atom - photon interaction in zero magnetic field

An alkali atom has a single outer electron that interacts with incoming photons of the right wavelength (for alkalies it's in the visible & IR range). If there is an external magnetic field, the ...
4 votes
2 answers

Maxwell equations: how to know the behavior of charge and current?

In school-level tasks, when (almost) all substances are linear, homogeneous and isotropic, we have $D=\epsilon E$, $H=B/\mu$ and thus Maxwell "in material" equations (1) say how $E$ and $B$ depend on ...
10 votes
2 answers

Would a magnet attract a paperclip indefinitely?

Let's say we have a magnet stuck to a metal bar, suspended above the ground. If I attach a paperclip to the magnet, where is the energy to hold the paperclip coming from (against the force of gravity),...

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