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Questions tagged [electric-fields]

For questions that utilize the concept of electric fields (commonly denoted by the letter E), or for questions whose answers likely involve electric fields. More specific than the [electricity] tag, as questions about the phenomenon & theory of electricity do not necessarily involve the discussion of fields.

3 votes
1 answer

Scaling of Static Electric Field

The electric field of a point charge goes like $\displaystyle\frac{1}{r^2}$ The electric field of an infinite line goes like $\displaystyle\frac{1}{s}$ The electric field of an infinite plane is ...
2 votes
2 answers

Gauss' law giving zero field where field is not zero?

Two plastic sheets with charged densities as shown: I'm trying to find the field at $B$. I obtained the correct answer by adding up the fields created by each charge density. But I realized that ...
2 votes
2 answers

Origin of field deduced from potential

Related: Tubelights+power lines pictures? I would've edited this into the above question, but I realized that there' enough to it to qualify as a new one. Plus this seems to be a confusion of many ...
1 vote
1 answer

Tubelights+power lines pictures?

I've come across many pictures like these, sometimes in chain emails reporting the dangers of power lines. Another claim is that they run on "wasted" energy. The explanations given are that the ...
11 votes
3 answers

Current in a simple circuit

I was going over my notes for an introductory course to electricity and magnetism and was intrigued by something I don't have an answer to. I remember my professor mentioning, to the best I can ...
0 votes
2 answers

Help me find electric field strength vector for this given equipotential line

I'm a physics tutor. This is the question from a High school book. The equation of an equipotential line in an electric field is y = 2x, then the electric field strength vector at (1, 2) may be ...
3 votes
1 answer

Given charge distribution find electric field

Given a charge distribution $\rho(\vec{r})$ where $\vec{r}$ is the position vector and that $\rho$ is a function of only $|x|$, Why is it that the corresponding electric field $E$ is necessarily of ...
0 votes
3 answers

Electric field at a point inside a capacitor

Let's say I have a parallel plate capacitor. How would I find the electric field at a certain point INSIDE the capacitor (inside the dielectric let's say). From what I understand, the flux of the ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to calculate the electric field at a point in space

Let's say I have a uniformly-charged wire bent into a semi-circle around the origin. How can I find the electric field (magnitude and direction) I'm not even sure if I should use Coulomb's or Gauss' ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Electric field due to nonconducting plastic sheets [closed]

Two very large, nonconducting plastic sheets, each 10.0 cm thick, carry uniform charge densities $\sigma_1, \sigma_2, \sigma_3$ and $\sigma_4$ on their surfaces (the four surfaces are in the following ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to find the electric field at a point based on a uniformly charged surface

What is the general solution to finding the electric field at a point based on some (or multiple) charged surfaces. I know that we can perform a line/surface integral if a charge is close to a wire or ...
7 votes
3 answers

Is it true that $\vec{E}\neq 0$ inside a 1- or 2-dimensional conductor?

It is known that when a conductor is placed in an electric field, the charges redistribute themselves such that $E=0$ inside the conductor. I was also told that the same is NOT true for the 2D and 1D ...
4 votes
2 answers

Is there really no meaning in potential energy and potential?

I have been told all my physics life that potential energy between two mass/charge has no meaning and only their difference has meaning. The same goes for electric potential, only the difference ...
5 votes
3 answers

What´s the electric field in the entire space generated by a uniform (but not constant) magnetic field?

Let me explain in details. Consider a region in space with no free charges and no free currents, so that the charge density is $\rho=0$ and the volumetric current is $\vec{J}=\vec{0} \text{ }$ in the ...
2 votes
3 answers

right hand rule using left hand?

im kind of confused, the right hand rule is used to know where the direction the magnetic field created by the current is going . is there any particular reason why the right hand is used to ...

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